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Messengers and Messages for Tweets That Used #thinspo and #fitspo Hashtags in 2016


Percentage of topics mentioned in a sample of #thinspo or #fitspo tweets, May 2016. Percentages add to more than 100 because each tweet could be coded for multiple topics.

Topic #fitspo, % #thinspo, %
None of these 0 0.2
Binging 0.4 2.0
Medication 2.9 0
Purging 1.3 6.3
Eating healthy 8.8 0.9
Eating less 13.4 4.1
Gaining strength 17.6 0.2
Eating disorder 0 21.2
Wanting a body type or body part characteristic 6.3 31.0
Exercise 100.0 0.9
Losing weight 45.0 99.8

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