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Forty-Year Trends in Tooth Loss Among American Adults With and Without Diabetes Mellitus: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis


Figure 1. Estimated number of teeth lost by age groups. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1971–2012.

Age Group, y Adults With Diabetes, by Race/Ethnicity Adults Without Diabetes, by Race/Ethnicity
White Black Mexican White Black Mexican
25–29 1.46 2.44 1.75 1.38 2.06 1.13
30–34 2.08 2.82 1.79 1.70 2.56 1.44
35–39 2.74 3.96 2.49 2.09 3.22 1.83
40–44 3.04 4.98 2.91 2.48 3.90 2.29
45–49 3.98 6.36 3.58 3.14 4.97 2.95
50–54 4.66 7.14 4.29 3.85 6.16 3.65
55–59 6.16 8.62 5.80 4.69 7.65 4.66
60–65 7.56 11.99 7.84 5.86 9.87 5.78
65–69 9.46 14.88 9.62 7.31 12.48 7.66
70-–4 11.90 18.19 11.97 9.08 15.13 9.87
75–79 13.32 21.30 13.07 10.59 17.59 10.93
80–84 14.49 22.99 14.77 11.66 18.76 11.59
≥85 17.62 30.62 15.42 12.91 22.16 12.98

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Figure 2. Estimated number of teeth lost by survey periods. National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANES) 1971–2012.

Survey Period Adults With Diabetes, by Race Adults Without Diabetes, by Race
White Black Mexican White Black Mexican
1971 14.70 23.07 8.98 15.09
1988 8.68 12.89 4.61 6.51
1999 8.18 11.75 6.53 3.84 4.92 2.99
2001 7.28 8.78 5.29 3.48 4.82 2.40
2003 8.28 10.07 6.60 4.14 5.39 2.91
2005 6.98 8.92 5.31 3.61 4.44 2.50
2007 6.97 8.68 6.19 3.51 4.33 2.42
2009 7.20 9.81 5.79 3.66 4.98 2.98
2011 7.37 9.67 6.24 3.69 4.64 2.39

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Figure 3. Estimated number of teeth lost by birth cohort. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1971–2012.

Birth Cohort Adults With Diabetes, by Race Adults Without Diabetes, by Race
White Black Mexican White Black Mexican
1897–1904 17.54 31.11 14.84 25.30
1905–1909 15.80 27.02 12.86 22.65
1910–1914 15.41 23.71 11.45 20.43 12.24
1915–1919 14.73 23.23 15.03 10.73 17.62 12.37
1920–1924 12.74 20.62 14.55 10.34 16.85 11.43
1925–1929 13.03 18.49 12.20 9.50 14.45 10.73
1930–1934 12.18 19.09 12.50 8.91 14.56 9.74
1935–1939 10.22 16.37 11.01 7.50 12.04 8.54
1940–1944 7.85 11.79 8.12 5.38 8.81 6.36
1945–1949 6.02 8.58 6.17 4.04 6.72 4.67
1950–1954 4.63 7.76 4.76 3.41 5.50 3.88
1955–1959 3.50 5.96 3.78 2.65 4.37 3.00
1960–1964 3.25 5.02 3.41 2.26 3.55 2.50
1965–1969 2.65 3.87 3.25 1.86 2.93 1.99
1970–1974 2.10 2.98 1.95 1.38 2.23 1.52
1975–1979 1.43 2.12 1.85 1.15 1.88 1.28
1980–1986 0.95 1.56 1.35 0.87 1.46 0.92

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