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Increasing Referrals to a YMCA-Based Diabetes Prevention Program: Effects of Electronic Referral System Modification and Provider Education in Federally Qualified Health Centers


Figure. Patient referrals to YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program from April 2012 through November 2014 from 6 Federally Qualified Health Centers in the Bronx, New York.

Month No. of Referrals
April 2012 1
May 2012 0
June 2012 1
July 2012 0
August 2012 1
September 2012 0
October 2012 1
November 2012 1
December 2012 0
January 2013 2
February 2013 1
March 2013 0
April 2013 1
May 2013 0
June 2013 0
July 2013 0
August 2013 1
September 2013 2
October 2013 3
November 2013 2
December 2013 3
January 2014 1
February 2014 7
March 2014 3
April 2014 4
May 2014 1
June 2014 2
July 2014 5
August 2014 9
September 2014 5
October 2014 11
November 2014 7

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