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Trends in Manufacturer-Reported Nicotine Yields in Cigarettes Sold in the United States, 2013–2016

Trends in Manufacturer-Reported Nicotine Yields in Cigarettes Sold in the United States, 2013–2016


Figure. Annual market share of cigarette pack sales by quartiles of manufacturer-reported nicotine yield and flavor, United States, 2013–2016. The distribution of cigarette sales in each period by nicotine quartile indicates that cigarette sales were generally concentrated among moderate-nicotine and high-nicotine products. Application of sales weights to the calculation of average nicotine yield accounts for this skewness by allowing the averages to more closely reflect more commonly sold products. Graded coloration reflects reported nicotine content for nonmenthol, menthol, and overall pack sales by quarter, with darker coloration reflecting greater nicotine content.

Annual market share of cigarette pack sales by quartiles of manufacturer-reported nicotine yield and flavor, United States, 2013–2016. The distribution of cigarette sales in each period by nicotine quartile indicates that cigarette sales were generally concentrated among moderate-nicotine and high-nicotine products. Application of sales weights to the calculation of average nicotine yield accounts for this skewness by allowing the averages to more closely reflect more commonly sold products. Graded coloration reflects reported nicotine content for nonmenthol, menthol, and overall pack sales by quarter, with darker coloration reflecting greater nicotine content.
Year Type Markedly Low, % Low, % Moderate, % High, %
2016 Overall 8.2 27.4 10.2 54.2
Menthol 5.7 16.0 3.3 75.0
Nonmenthol 9.2 32.0 13.0 45.8
2015 Overall 8.6 33.6 36.5 21.3
Menthol 6.4 20.8 43.9 28.9
Nonmenthol 9.5 38.6 33.6 18.3
2014 Overall 8.7 30.4 9.3 51.6
Menthol 6.9 17.1 3 72.9
Nonmenthol 9.4 35.5 11.7 43.4
2013 Overall 9.1 31.5 20.1 39.3
Menthol 7.3 19.3 25.6 47.9
Nonmenthol 9.7 36.0 18.1 36.2

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