At a glance
The Epi InfoTM Vector Surveillance application (app) is a free, mobile app for vector surveillance and data analysis powered by the Epi Info™ suite software. It is available for Android devices in English, Spanish, and French. Download the Android app from the Google Play store.
The app allows users to enter mosquito surveillance data directly into a mobile device while they are in the field. Upon the device's detection of a connection (Wi-Fi or mobile network), the data sync to a cloud- or server-based master database, (selected and/or created by users), and are uploaded immediately to an analysis dashboard. The dashboard automatically calculates a wide range of standard mosquito indices, provides various sampling maps, and presents the user with graphical representations of trends, all of which can be filtered by dates and locations of interest. The master database can be exported for further analysis in Epi InfoTM software or other packages.
The app and dashboard are designed for use by mosquito surveillance and control personnel to make operational decisions in near-real time. Using the Epi Info™ Vector Surveillance app and dashboard eliminates the need for paper-based vector surveillance systems, and enables programs to more rapidly make data-driven vector control decisions. The app is currently optimized for Aedes (and Culex) surveillance, but additional modules for Anopheles surveillance are under development.

The app uses scanned barcodes to collect location information for each sampling site. Upon scanning a barcode, the app automatically records GPS coordinates, GPS signal accuracy, elevation, and collection date and time. The app consists of five modules.
- Module 1: Mosquito trapping – multi-day, for ovitraps and adult traps
- Module 2: Mosquito collection – single day, for immature surveys and adult mosquito collection via aspiration
- Module 3: Mosquito bioassay – for detecting insecticide resistance in mosquitoes, using bottle-based tests
- Module 4: Cone bioassay – for monitoring insecticide-treated surfaces
- Module 5: Vector control – for recording vector control actions, including efficacy studies
Instruction manuals are currently available online in English (Spanish and French manuals are under development).
- User ManualCdc-pdf: Instructions for installation of the app and use of each module
- Field GuideCdc-image: Quick guide inserts which can be placed in mobile device's case for quick reference in the field
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