Third-Party Tools and Sites

Third Party Tools and Sites

CDC content gets published on third-party sites as a convenience to users who prefer to use these channels. All information published on these third-party sites is also available on site.

Links to External Sites pages and other CDC digital media platforms may link to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations and individuals. When you follow a link to an external site, you are leaving and are subject to the external site‘s privacy and security policies. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on an external site. We also do not endorse the site’s sponsor, any views they express, or any products or services they offer.

CDC Pages on Third-Party Websites
Your activity on third-party sites (a current list is here) is governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policies. Please contact the third-party site’s Privacy Office if you have any questions or need further information.

CDC Content Embedded in Third-Party Sites
In some instances, CDC’s content may be embedded on third-party websites as a way to increase public awareness of CDC activities (for example CDC’s Content syndication, microsite, data widgets, etc.). The integration of these products is intended to provide a seamless user experience and to enhance users’ ability to access public information provided by CDC. The embedded content automatically generates CDC server logs, web metrics and may set a CDC cookie (see Cookies). Additionally, all other cookies, web metrics and server logs etc. are governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policy.

Below is the list of third-party tools used on CDC’s digital media as well as some of the main public-facing CDC profiles/accounts on third-party websites. The CDC may use non-public accounts for testing and other internal uses. We will revise or update this list periodically to provide most current information about these third-party tools and social media profiles.

Digital outreach through third-party vendors
CDC may use digital outreach through third-party vendors to reach at-risk groups of individuals with critical health information, such as guidance or health alerts during a public health emergency. CDC may work with third-party vendors who offer technologies that can deliver messaging to a defined audience based on relevant public health campaign parameters and the vendor’s audience data which it derives from individuals’ online and digital behaviors. These third-party vendors enable CDC to deliver health information on an individual’s most-frequented apps and/or websites, but do not share any personally identifiable data with CDC. While new audiences will be created for specific use cases, the audience data is derived from algorithms built on a multitude of pre-collected data sources related to user’s digital behaviors.

When using third-party vendors as described above, CDC does not control, access, or receive any audience data from vendors, including PII about individuals reached. CDC may receive high-level performance data (such as impressions and reach of public health messages) and basic demographic information about audiences reached (such as age and gender ranges).

Individuals who receive CDC messages are offered a link to click for more information about the source and purpose of the message. They are given the option to opt-out of messaging. Individuals have the right to file for a report with third-party vendors on what data has been collected on them by the vendor and can also request that the collected data be deleted.

Third-party Sites
Social Networks
Mobile and Voice Applications Stores