Notifiable Infectious Disease Data Tables

Key points

  • The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) creates weekly data, known as provisional data, and annual data, known as finalized data.
  • Learn about the differences between provisional and finalized data at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About weekly tables (provisional)


CDC's Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) platform has completed the planned migration to a new Azure cloud environment. Weekly NNDSS PDF and text table formats are available via CDC Stacks, a public online data repository instead of on WONDER. The HTML format has been updated to improve user experience and data can be found on, a publicly available catalog of data resources. This change reflects efforts to make CDC data more responsive and efficient. Information on how to use these resources is available on the NNDSS website.

Weekly data are considered provisional data. Provisional data are initially collected locally as a result of state, territorial, and local legislation and regulations that require healthcare providers, medical laboratories, and other entities to submit data on reportable conditions to state and local public health departments. The reportable conditions vary depending upon each jurisdiction's health priorities. The reporting jurisdictions voluntarily submit case notifications for the national notifiable conditions to CDC. NNDSS data are considered provisional and subject to change each week until the data are reconciled and verified with the state and territorial data providers to be the final official incidence counts for a given notifiable condition and year. Cumulative counts of cases presented each week can increase or decrease as additional information becomes available and counts are updated. In any given year, for most conditions, cumulative provisional case counts and rates do not match finalized case counts and rates.

Notifiable infectious disease data tables

The data for national notifiable infectious diseases and conditions are aggregated weekly for all conditions.

Weekly data are considered provisional data. Annual data are considered finalized data.

Weekly tables

Annual tables

Using and interpreting data

Readers’ guides

CDC provides Readers’ Guides to assist with understanding the weekly and annual National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) data tables. These documents provide data table descriptions, content overview, interpretation guidance, and other details.

Current version: April 21, 2021

Access our latest guide for understanding weekly and annual National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System WONDER Tables beginning 2019

Previous versions