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Personal Protective Equipment for the Public

Personal Protective Equipment for the Public

You can be exposed to respiratory hazards during an emergency or regular activities at work, in the community, or at home. You can use these resources about personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect yourself from respiratory hazards in the community and at home. If you are wearing PPE to protect yourself in the workplace, visit the Respiratory Protection Information Trusted Source.

Information for Individuals

This page describes the differences between various kinds of respirators and masks so that you can identify the type that meets your needs best.

N95® respirators must form a seal to the face to work properly. This page teaches you how to put on and take off your N95, so it is effective.

Correct and consistent care for your mask provides the best protection. This teaches you how to use and care for your mask properly.

Information for Manufacturers

This page has performance recommendations for manufacturers making enhanced barrier face coverings (BFCs), called Enhanced Performance and Enhanced Performance Plus BFCs.