Oct. 2024 Automation and Emerging Technologies Partnership Meeting

What to know

The fifth meeting of the Mine Automation and Emerging Technologies Health and Safety Partnership was held as a virtual meeting on October 10, 2024.

2024 Meeting of the Automation and Emerging Technologies Partnership


The fifth meeting of the Mine Automation and Emerging Technologies Health and Safety Partnership was held as a virtual meeting on October 10, 2024.

This meeting provided a continued opportunity for industry, manufacturers, academia and others who are working on autonomous mobile equipment and associated technologies to discuss the state of the technology, including system development, testing, implementation activities, research findings, health and safety concerns, and regulatory considerations


Select any presentation link below to view the presented slides in PDF format. Presentation file hosting is courtesy of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association website.


For presentation notes and slides please refer to the links in the posted list of sessions.

The following action items were generated from the meeting and will be addressed prior to the Agenda Setting meeting in February 2025.

  • Joel Haight will organize a subgroup on maintenance challenges and how they can be addressed for automated equipment.
  • The final SME contract report on Barriers to Automation will be available in December 2024 and we will announce its location to the partnership.
  • Bob Bissonette will organize a subgroup on:
    • Comms system improvements needed for automation and V2X.
    • Location in a GPS denied environment.
    • Standards and regulation in the US (how to change the culture).
    • Developments in 'perception' for autonomy in other industries..
  • Joel Haight will distribute a poll to determine partnership member preference for the next annual partnership meeting format: in-person, virtual, or hybrid.