Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 94-112
This collection of reports presents the proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health. Invited lectures were presented concerning the work relatedness of airways dysfunction, characterizing occupational exposures for epidemiological purposes, biomarkers and molecular epidemiology of cancer, epidemiology as a tool for occupational standard setting, and the psychosocial work environment and cardiovascular disease. Plenary presentations were offered on cohort study design, mortality studies of machine fluids, job stress and cardiovascular risk, mortality for radiation workers, lung function among insulation workers, childhood cancer and paternal exposure to ionizing radiation, use of multiple cause mortality data in epidemiologic analyses, measurement and evaluation of symptom intensity to improve understanding of acute respiratory health effects, and physical job demands related to pregnancy outcome. Extended abstracts were included for cancers, methods of study, exposure assessment, neurotoxins, cytotoxins and solvents, reproductive disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, agriculture, respiratory diseases, injuries, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, surveillance, solvents and noise, physical and mental stressors, and metals.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health