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An Evaluation of Glove Bag Containment in Asbestos Removal

An Evaluation of Glove Bag Containment in Asbestos Removal


October 1990
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 90-119

This report examines the effectiveness of the glove bag control method to prevent asbestos emissions during the removal of asbestos containing pipe lagging. Glove bags have been used for asbestos removal without supplemental engineering controls or respiratory protection. This study has two objectives: (1) to evaluate the efficiency of glove bags to contain asbestos fibers, thereby protecting abatement workers from exposure to asbestos and preventing subsequent contamination of the building and environment during the removal of asbestos-containing materials; and (2) to evaluate aggressive vs. nonaggressive sampling methods for determining the efficiency of asbestos abatement.

An Evaluation of Glove Bag Containment in Asbestos Removal