National Occupational Research Agenda: Second Decade in Review | 2006–2016
National Occupational Research Agenda: Second Decade in Review | 2006–2016
June 2017
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2017-146
At the end of each decade of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), NIOSH reviews the contributions of the decade toward improving the occupational safety and health of workers and transferring new knowledge into practice.
The second decade of NORA review was designed to assess the contributions across three main domains:
- Research.
- Sector programs.
- Partnerships and Research to Practice (r2p).
Within each domain, NIOSH assessed the activities, effectiveness, outcomes, and impact. This report includes two documents: the NORA Second Decade in Review Report, and the Sector and Cross-Sector Program Supplement.