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What Every Worker Should Know: How to Protect Yourself From Needlestick Injuries

What Every Worker Should Know: How to Protect Yourself From Needlestick Injuries


July 1997
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2000-135
cover of 2000-135

Needlestick injuries can lead to serious or fatal infections. Health care workers who use or may be exposed to needles are at increased risk of needlestick injury. All workers who are at risk should take steps to protect themselves from this significant health hazard.

HBV vaccination is recommended for all health care workers (unless they are immune because of previous exposure). HBV vaccine has proved highly effective in preventing infection in workers exposed to HBV. However, no vaccine exists to prevent HCV or HIV infection.

Any worker who may come in contact with needles is at risk, including nursing staff, lab workers, doctors, and housekeepers.

What Every Worker Should Know: How to Protect Yourself From Needlestick Injuries [PDF – 97K]