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Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Action Planning

Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Action Planning


October 2008
NIOSH Docket Number 146

NIOSH announced the opportunity for the public to comment on the draft Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Implementation Plan, in response to the National Academies (NA) Program Evaluation Recommendations. The Plan includes an introduction and the PPT Program’s plan for activities to address the NA Review Committee’s five recommendations for enhancing and expanding the impact and relevance of the program. The final version of the document reflects NIOSH responses to the comments posted to the docket and the NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) review of the PPT Program Implementation Plan, and the PPT Program’s response to the BSC review. The PPT Program expects to update the Implementation Plan annually.

Materials Under Evaluation

Notice of public meeting; 73 FR 65860; 11/5/08 [PDF – 1,940 KB]

PPT Program draft document “Plan to Implement the National Academies Evaluation Recommendations” – 3/19/09 [PDF – 18,490 KB]

NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Program Plan to Implement the National Academies Evaluation Recommendations – 5/21/10 [PDF – 71,941 KB]

Submissions in Order of Receipt

Submission to the docket from private person – 4/1/09 [PDF – 244 KB]

Submission to the docket from Krammer (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.) – 4/15/09 [PDF – 1,640 KB]

Submission to the docket from Tomlinson (APIC-Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.) – 4/20/09 [PDF – 1,930 KB]

Submission to the docket from Thompson (North Carolina State University) – 4/20/09 [PDF – 4,110 KB]

Submission to the docket from Glucksman (International Safety Equipment Association) – 4/20/09 [PDF – 1,690 KB]

Submission to the docket from Barker (North Carolina State University) – 4/20/09 [PDF – 607 KB]

Submission to the docket from Hickman (Reno County Health Department) – 5/6/09 [PDF – 509 KB]

Submission to the docket from Barker (North Carolina State University) – 5/12/09 [PDF – 572 KB]

Submission to the docket from Prickitt (Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare) – 5/29/09 [PDF – 706 KB]