At a glance

NCIRD's mission focuses on the prevention of disease, disability, and death through immunization and control of respiratory and related diseases. Discover more about NCIRD's activities and their impact on public health.

CDC campus

What we do

NCIRD works to effectively balance public health efforts in the domestic and global arenas. The Center strives to accommodate the specific needs of all populations at vaccine-preventable disease risk from young children to adults.

In addition to the Office of the Director, which manages activities across NCIRD, divisions include the:

  • Division of Bacterial Diseases
  • Division of Viral Diseases
  • Influenza Division
  • Immunization Services Division
  • Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division


NCIRD Overview

Learn more about the structure of NCIRD's offices and divisions by visiting the Divisions and Offices page.

CDC Respiratory Virus Updates

CDC shares updates on the respiratory illness season weekly. Stay up to date on the latest information.

NCIRD Investigations

Learn more information about diseases under investigation and how new clusters of illnesses are being investigated.

NCIRD Surveillance

NCIRD specific surveillance systems include ABCs, HPV-IMPACT, NREVSS, and NVSN. Discover how these surveillance systems are used to track viral and bacterial diseases and measure vaccine impact.

NCIRD Career Opportunities

Find more information about potential job opportunities and current vacancies available at NCIRD.

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