New Linked Data from the Data Linkage Program: Veterans Health

What to know

  • This webinar highlighted new data files that link data from the National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS) and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • The webinar provided information about accessing and using these data files.
  • The NCHS Data Linkage Program brings together data from multiple sources to answer complex health questions.
Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information


September 19, 2022


The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Data Linkage Program joins data from multiple sources. These data help to answer complex questions that examine various factors associated with disability, chronic disease, health care use, illness, and death.

The program's newest data files link NCHS survey data to administrative records from the Department of Veterans Affairs. These data files contain information on veteran service records and benefit program use.

This webinar—

  • Presented an overview of the NCHS Data Linkage Program, including how to access data files
  • Highlighted the newest data resource
  • Discussed how these new linked data could help answer critical health policy questions about the health of U.S. veterans


New Linked Data from the Data Linkage Program: Veterans Health