NCHS Research and Development Survey During COVID-19: Using an Existing Survey in a New Way

What to know

  • This webinar described how the National Center for Health Statistics used the Research and Development Survey (RANDS) in a new way during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • RANDS during COVID-19 collected data about experiences during the pandemic.
  • In this webinar, experts also shared data about the impact of COVID-19 on Americans' lives.
Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information


August 26, 2020


The National Center for Health Statistics launched a COVID-specific data collection in July 2020 using the Research and Development Survey (RANDS).

In this webinar, experts discussed RANDS during COVID-19, including the use of this web survey in a new way to evaluate COVID-related survey questions. The webinar highlighted the release of experimental data from RANDS, as well as information about—

  • Reduced access to health care
  • Loss of work due to illness with COVID-19
  • The use of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic

RANDS met the immediate needs of the COVID-19 response, demonstrating its versatility and flexibility.


NCHS Research and Development Survey during COVID-19 Webinar: Using an existing survey in a new way