Reporting on the Nation’s Health in Health, United States: Annual Perspective

Key points

  • This webinar introduced the redesigned, condensed Health, United States: Annual Perspective report.
  • This report on health disparities tracked national trends across different health areas.
Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information


February 16, 2023


The Health, United States, 2020–2021: Annual Perspective, released on January 19, 2023, tracks national trends across different health areas. It focuses on health disparities. Topics in this report cover:

  • Health status and determinants
  • Healthcare use
  • Healthcare resources
  • Healthcare costs

In this webinar, the redesigned, condensed Annual Perspective report was introduced. This was paired with the new Health, United States website and products. As part of the webinar, participants learned what Health, United States is. They were also able to review new products and get an update on the modernization of the program.


Reporting on the Nation’s Health in Health, United States: Annual Perspective