Survey Methods and Data Releases

At a glance

  • Rapid Surveys can be a valuable resource for programs with time-sensitive data needs and for leading evidence-based public health response.
  • To collect timely data, we use two online survey panels conducted by private companies.
  • We analyze these data and release web tables, interactive dashboards, and data files.
The RSS logo shows four stylized orange data bars turned sideways and the words NCHS Rapid Surveys System

Survey methods

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) uses two online survey panels conducted by private companies (commercial survey panels) for our Rapid Surveys—

AmeriSpeak and KnowledgePanel each use a probability-based panel for Rapid Surveys. Creating a probability-based panel requires recruiting more potential panel members than will be asked to complete the survey. The recruitment process is designed so we know how likely each panel member is to be selected. That means all panel members have a known probability of selection.

A smaller group of panel members is then randomly chosen from the overall group to participate in each Rapid Survey. This sample reflects the characteristics of everyone living in the country-the U.S. population.

NCHS experts can create national estimates with the data collected from probability-based panels because they are representative of the U.S. population.

Learn more about our statistical methods

Our data documentation provides technical details about how we collect, process, and analyze Rapid Survey data.

Working with these commercial survey panels allows us to collect data fast with at least 4,000 adult participants in each Rapid Survey. The time it takes for survey approval, data collection, analysis, and public release is much faster for Rapid Surveys than for core surveys at NCHS.

With these timelines, Rapid Surveys can be a valuable resource for programs with time-sensitive data needs and for leading evidence-based public health response.

Extensive quality review

Honest, transparent reporting is a core value of the NCHS Rapid Surveys System. We complete a thorough scientific review before releasing survey data to ensure Rapid Surveys data are sound.

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Rapid Surveys can meet time-sensitive data needs and support evidence-based public health.

Rapid Surveys use different methods, have fewer participants, and have lower precision compared with other NCHS household surveys.

Statistical precision identifies the possible range of uncertainty or variability around an estimate or measurement. The exact value of what is being estimated is within that range. Rapid Surveys have larger ranges of uncertainty or variability than other NCHS household surveys.

In keeping with our commitment to quality and professional standards of practice, NCHS clearly communicates—

  • What is known about the validity and accuracy of the data
  • The appropriateness of the data for its intended purposes

Data releases

NCHS releases Rapid Surveys data and estimates in interactive dashboards and data files.

Interactive dashboards provide estimates calculated by NCHS. Users can customize their search for information about health topics and participant characteristics of interest.

Data files allow researchers to do their own analyses.

Explore NCHS Rapid Surveys data by health topic.

Data files and documentation

We collect public health data several times a year via the NCHS Rapid Surveys System. Rapid Surveys data cover diverse health topics because different questions are asked each time a new survey is conducted.

Survey topics and questions are determined by CDC's information needs at the time. This design makes Rapid Surveys a valuable tool for collecting data that can be used for knowledge, action, and impact.

To help others use and analyze Rapid Surveys data, we provide data files and extensive documentation about how the data were collected.

Access data files and documentation from each Rapid Survey.

Collaboration opportunities

Are you a CDC program with data needs? You may be able to get the public health information that you need by sponsoring one or more questions on an upcoming Rapid Survey.

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The NCHS Rapid Surveys System helps make science more responsive and actionable.

Compared with fielding a full survey independently, Rapid Surveys may provide a faster way to get actionable data on topics that matter to your programs and the people you serve.

For more information, contact us at