National Vital Statistics System

What’s New

Rapid Release
In the Spotlight

COVID-19 Death Data and Reporting Guidance

  NVSS information and alerts related to COVID-19

Drug Overdose Death Counts

Latest monthly provisional counts of drug overdose deaths

Life Expectancy Visualization

First-of-its kind map shows life expectancy down to the census-tract level

Birth certificate e-learning

New e-learning course to help you fill out birth certificates

Cause-of-death Data from the Fetal Death File

Report includes 3 years of cause-of-fetal-death data and is the second ever released from the NVSS

2018 Maternal Mortality Reports

First release of U.S. maternal morality data in more than a decade

New Reports and Releases

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mortality Rate of Infants Born to Teen Mothers: United States, 2017–2018 (7/2020)

Infant Mortality in the United States, 2018: Data From the Period Linked Birth/Infant Death File [PDF – 1 MB] (7/2020)

State Teen Birth Rates by Race and Hispanic Origin: United States, 2017–2018 [PDF – 648 KB] (7/2020)

Effects of Changes in Maternal Age Distribution and Maternal Age-specific Infant Mortality Rates on Infant Mortality Trends: United States, 2000–2017 [PDF – 339 KB] (6/2020)

Cause-of-death Data From the Fetal Death File, 2015–2017 (4/2020)

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (4/2020)

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) (4/2020)

Births in the United States, 2018

Trends and Characteristics of Sexually Transmitted Infections During Pregnancy: United States, 2016–2018 (3/25/2020)

Recent Trends in Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery, 2016–2018 (03/5/2020)

Evaluation of the Pregnancy Status Checkbox on the Identification of Maternal Deaths (01/30/2020)

Maternal Mortality in the United States: Changes in Coding, Publication, and Data Release, 2018 (01/30/2020)

The Impact of the Pregnancy Checkbox and Misclassification on Maternal Mortality Trends in the United States, 1999–2017 (01/30/2020)

Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999–2018 (01/30/2020)

Changes in Life Expectancy at Birth, 2010–2018 (01/30/2020)

2018 Maternal Mortality Reports (01/30/2020)

Mortality in the United States, 2018 (01/30/2020)