National Vital Statistics System


SuperMICAR is one part of NCHS’ Mortality Medical Data System. It is an automated cause-of-death data entry system designed as an enhancement of an earlier PC-MICAR Data Entry System, which is no longer supported, and is the most recent addition in automating mortality data processing.

SuperMICAR allows data entry personnel to type in exactly what appears on the death certificate. It then processes the data, dividing terms, replacing words with synonyms, dropping unnecessary words, and arranging words in proper order to be found in NCHS’ MICAR dictionary. The result is a file that can be processed through MICAR software to produce ACME input files.

SuperMICAR included a Filter function which allows querying of a file. Using “filters,” SuperMICAR can search files for records meeting certain conditions and generate subsets of records that meet those conditions.