Papers and Publications for the National Immunization Survey
Papers and Publications for the National Immunization Survey
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MMWR Articles
- MMWR – National, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19–35 Months — United States, 2014
- MMWR – National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2014
- MMWR – National, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19–35 Months — United States, 2013
- MMWR – Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents, 2007–2013, and Postlicensure Vaccine Safety Monitoring, 2006–2014 — United States
- MMWR – National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2013
- MMWR – National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage among Adolescents Aged 13-17 Years — 2010
- MMWR – National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19-35 Months — United States, 2009
- MMWR – National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage among Adolescents Aged 13-17 Years — United States, 2009
- MMWR – Interim Results: Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccination Coverage — United States, October-December 2009
- MMWR – Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Children and Adults
- MMWR – Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 6 Months-18 Years
- MMWR – National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19-35 Months — United States, 2008
- Vital and Health Statistics, Series 2, Number 138. Statistical Methodology of the National Immunization Survey, 1994-2002 [PDF – 3.4 MB]
- Vital and Health Statistics, Series 2, Number 133. Compensating for Provider Nonresponse Using Response Propensities to Form Adjustment Cells: The National Immunization Survey [PDF – 2.9 MB]
- “Guide to Quality Control Procedures” is a companion document to the NIS User’s Guide for each of the Public-Use Data Files (1995-2000). It describes the procedures that have been incorporated in the NIS to promote and maintain quality — at all stages of the survey including sample preparation, collection of household data, collection of data from providers, preparation of data files, and weighting and estimation. [PDF – 2.4 MB]
- The National Health Interview Survey/National Immunization Provider Record Check Study (NHIS/NIPRCS) Public-Use Data Files: NHIS/NIPRCS collected immunization history on a national household sample of children 12-35 months of age. Data from immunization providers are used to validate the child’s immunization history reported by the household respondent from shot records and from memory. Discrepancies between household and provider reported vaccination histories are reconciled. The combined household and provider reports are used to form “best value” estimates of vaccination coverage. NHIS/NIPRCS data provide a unique opportunity to compare characteristics and vaccination status of children who reside in telephone households with those who reside in households without telephones.
Data Collection
- Ballard-LeFauve, Katherine; Barron, Martin; Battaglia, Michael P.; Mokdad, Ali; Wright, Robert H.; “Tracking Cooperation Among Medical Providers in the National Immunization Survey” This paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 108 KB]
- Ballard-LeFauve, Katherine, Martin Barron, and Michael P. Battaglia. “Provider Characteristics and Response Rates in the National Immunization Survey.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 124 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Gary Shapiro, and Elizabeth R. Zell, “Substantial Response Bias May Remain When Records Are Used in a Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings August, 1996. [PDF – 414 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Gary Shapiro, James T. Massey, and Linda I. Tompkins, “Calling Local Telephone Company Business Offices to Determine the Residential Status of a Wide Class of Unresolved Telephone Numbers in a Random-Digit Dialing Sample.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1995. [PDF – 242 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Elizabeth R. Zell, “Respondent Characteristics Associated with Misreporting of Vaccinations in a Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1997. [PDF – 22 KB]
- Battaglia, Micheal P., Vicki J. Huggins, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Robert A. Wright, Linda Piccinino, J. Michael Dennis, “Evaluating the Impact of a New CATI Screener in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 31 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Ballard-Lefauve, Katherine R., Piccinino, Linda, Murray, Mary Cay, Wright, Robert A. “Reducing Attrition in a Random-Digit-Dialing-Based Provider Record Check Study.” 2001 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, August 5-9, 2001. [PDF – 54 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P. and Meena Khare “Impact of Revised Standards for the Classification of Race and Ethnicity in the National Immunization Survey.” This presentation was presented at the Ninth BiennialCDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods. Atlanta, Georgia. January 27-29, 2003. [PDF – 59 KB]
- Blumberg, Stephen J, Marcie L. Cynamon, Larry Osborn, Lorayn Olson. “The Impact of Touch-Tone Data Entry on Reports of HIV/STD Risk Behaviors in Telephone Interviews.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2000 and 2001. This paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Sex Research. [PDF – 177 KB]
- Buckley, Paul, J. Michael Dennis, Candice Saulsberry, Victor G. Coronado, Trena Ezzati-Rice, Edmond Maes, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Robert A. Wright, “Managing 78 Simultaneous RDD Samples.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1998. [PDF – 88 KB]
- Camburn, Donald P., Paul J. Lavrakas, Michael P. Battaglia, James T. Massey, and Robert A. Wright, “Using Advance Respondent Letters in Random-Digit Dialing Telephone Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1995. [PDF – 128 KB]
- Cardoni, Jessica L; Buckley, Paul; Wright, Robert H.; Mokdad, Ali H.; Murray, Mary Cay; “Screening for Age-Eligibles in a Large Random Digit Dial Survey.” This poster was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 388 KB]
- Dennis, Michael J., Martin Frankel, Nancy A. Mathiowetz, Candice Saulsberry, Philip J. Smith, K.P. Srinath, Ann-Sofi Rodén, and Robert A. Wright, “Analysis of RDD Interviews by the Number of Call Attempts: The National Immunization Survey” This presentation was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1999. [PDF – 428 KB]
- Dennis, Michael J., Candice Saulsberry, Michael P. Battaglia, Ann-Sofi Rodén, David C. Hoaglin, Martin Frankel, Nancy A. Mathiowetz, Philip J. Smith, Robert A. Wright, “Analysis of Call Patterns in a Large Random-Digit Dialing Survey” This paper was submitted to the International Conference on Survey Nonresponse for publication on the conference website, October 28-31, 1999. [PDF – 116 KB]
- Dennis, Michael J., Candice Saulsberry, Michael P. Battaglia, Ann-Sofi Rodén, David C. Hoaglin, Martin Frankel, Nancy A. Mathiowetz, Philip J. Smith, Robert A. Wright, “Analysis of Call Patterns in a Large Random-Digit Dialing Survey” This presentation was presented at the International Conference on Survey Nonresponse, Portland, Oregon, October 28-31, 1999. [PDF – 54 KB]
- Dennis, J. Michael, Victor G. Coronado, Martin Frankel, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Candice Saulsberry, Howard Speizer, Robert A. Wright, “Use of an Intranet to Manage a Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1998. [PDF – 183 KB]
- Foster, Erin B.; Buckley, Paul; Anderson, Elizabeth M.; Murray, Mary Cay; Wright, Robert H; “Handling Duplicate Telephone Numbers in an Ongoing RDD Survey: The National Immunization Survey.” This poster was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 198 KB]
- Frankel, Martin; Olson, Lorayn; Osborn, Larry; Giambo, Pamela; Rodkin, Sergei; Cynamon, Marcie; Blumberg, Stephen; “Questionnaire Effects A Test of the Impact of Question Ordering and Contexton Responses to Children’s Health Insurance Questions.” This presentation was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 129 KB]
- Khare, Meena, Michael P. Battaglia, Vicki J. Huggins, Shannon Stokley, David C. Hoaglin, Robert A. Wright, Ann-Sofi Rodén. “Accuracy of Vaccination Dates Reported by Immunization Providers.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 43 KB]
- Khare, Meena, Ezzati-Rice, Trena, Battaglia, Michael P., Zell, Elizabeth R., 2001. An assessment of misclassification error In provider reported vaccine histories. 2001 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, August 5-9, 2001. [PDF – 67 KB]
- Kochanek, Kymn M., Ann-Sofi Rodén, Charles D. Wolters, James T. Massey, and Joseph E. Fitti, “Answering Machine Messages as Tools for a Random-Digit Dialing Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1995. [PDF – 128 KB]
- Loft, John D., Edmond Maes, Anita Kneifel, Ann-Sofi Rodén, K.P. Srinath, Rebecca Strella, Victor Coronado, Robert A. Wright, “Results of an Experiment Using Different Mail Carriers for a Mail Survey of Immunization Providers.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1998. [PDF – 46 KB]
- Loft, John D., Edmond Maes, Anita Kneifel, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Rebecca Strella, Victor Coronado, Robert A. Wright, “Provider On-Line Locating Facility for a Telephone Survey of Childhood Vaccination.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1998. [PDF – 29 KB]
- Murray, Mary Cay; Cardoni, Jessica, L.; Srinath, K.P.; Wright, Robert A.; Buckley, Paul; Battaglia, Michael P.; Cagney, Patrick; “Reducing RDD Data Collection Costs Related to Non-Contacts: The National Immunization Survey.” This presentation was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 352 KB]
- Olson, Lorayn, Francine Cannarozzi, Michael Dennis, and Ann-Sofi Rodén, “Alternative Methods of Obtaining Family Income in RDD Surveys” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1999. [PDF – 25 KB]
- Olson, Lorayn, Ann-Sofi Rodén, T. Christopher Brogan, Robert A. Wright, J. Michael Dennis, Corinna A. Crawford, “Development of Strategies to Include Deaf Respondents in an RDD Telephone Survey, ” This presentation was presented at the American Public Health Association Conference, November 10, 1999 in Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 1 MB]
- Srinath, K.P., Michael P. Battaglia, Jessica Cardoni, Corinna Crawford, Richard Snyder, Robert A. Wright, “Balancing Cost and Mean Squared Error in RDD Telephone Surveys: The National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research, May, 2001 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [PDF – 46 KB]
- Srinath, K. P., Battaglia, Michael P. Cardoni, Jessica L., Crawford, Corinna, Snyder, Richard , Wright, Robert A. 2001. Balancing the cost and mean squared error in RDD telephone surveys: The National Immunization Survey. 2001 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, August 5-9, 2001. [PDF – 85 KB]
- Wall, Thomas P., Kymn M. Kochanek, Joseph E. Fitti, and Elizabeth R. Zell, “The Use of Real-Time Language Translation Services in Random-Digit Dialing Telephone Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1995. [PDF – 896 KB]
Estimation and Weighting
- Barker, Lawrence E., Philip J. Smith, Robert Gerzoff, Elizabeth T. Luman, and Mary M. McCauley. “Comparing States’ Immunization Coverages of Preschool Children.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 676 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Elizabeth Zell, and Pam Ching, “Can Participating in a Panel Sample Introduce Bias into Trend Estimates?” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1996. [PDF – 87 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., David C. Hoaglin, David Izrael, Meena Khare, and Ali Mokdad. “Improving Income Imputation by Using Partial Income Information and Ecological Variables.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association –Joint Statistical Meeting , August 11-15, 2002, New York, New York. [PDF – 306 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P. and Meena Khare. “Analyzing Data from the National Immunization Survey.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 1.2 MB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, David C. Hoaglin, John D. Loft, and Edmond Maes, “Response Rates in a Survey that Collects Childhood Vaccination Information from Households and Providers.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association meetings in August 1997. [PDF – 123 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., Donald J. Malec, Bruce D. Spencer, David C. Hoaglin, and Joseph Sedransk, “Adjusting for Noncoverage of Nontelephone Households in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1995. [PDF – 92 KB]
- Battaglia, Michael P., “Methodology of the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the May 1997 National Immunization Conference, Detroit Michigan. [PDF – 69 KB]
- Ezzati-Rice, Trena M., Victor G. Coronado, Martin R. Frankel, David C. Hoaglin, John D. Loft, Robert A. Wright, “Estimating Response Rates in Random-Digit Dialing Surveys that Screen for Eligible Subpopulations.” This paper was presented at the International Conference on Survey Nonresponse, Portland, Oregon, October 28-31, 1999. [PDF – 57 KB]
- Frankel, Martin R., Michael Battaglia, David Hoaglin, Philip J. Smith, K.P. Srinath, and Robert A. Wright, “Reducing Nontelephone Bias in RDD Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1999. [PDF – 39 KB]
- Frankel, Martin R., K.P. Srinath, Michael P. Battaglia, David C. Hoaglin, Philip J. Smith, Robert A. Wright, Meena Khare. “Using Data on Interruptions in Telephone Service to Reduce Nontelephone Bias in a Random-Digit-Dialing Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 44 KB]
- Hoaglin, David C., Michael P. Battaglia, “A Comparison of Two Methods of Adjusting for Noncoverage of Nontelephone Households in a Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1996. [PDF – 160 KB]
- Khare, Meena; Battaglia, Michael P.; Hoaglin, David C.; Wright, Robert H.; “Procedures to Reduce Risk of Respondent Disclosure in a Public Use Data File.” This paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 2002. [PDF – 156 KB]
- Khare, Meena. “Introduction to National Immunization Survey and Public-Use Data Files.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 2.2 MB]
- Massey, James T., “Estimating the Response Rate in a Telephone Survey with Screening.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1995. [PDF – 595 KB]
- Massey, James T., Charles L. Wolters, Siu Chong Wan, and Karen Liu “Optimum Calling Patterns for Random Digit Dialed Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1996. [PDF – 502 KB]
- Shapiro, Gary M., Michael P. Battaglia, David C. Hoaglin, Paul Buckley, James T. Massey, “Geographical Variation in Within-Household Coverage of Households with Telephones in an RDD Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1996. [PDF – 730 KB]
- Smith, Philip J., J.N.K. Rao, Michael P. Battaglia, Danni Daniels, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Meena Khare. “Compensating for Nonresponse Bias in the National Immunization Survey Using Response Propensities.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 55 KB]
- Smith, Philip J., David C. Hoaglin, J.N.K. Rao, Danni Daniels, and Michael P. Battaglia, “Evaluation of Adjustments for Nonresponse Bias Applied to Provider Nonresponse in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 64 KB]
- Smith, Philip J., K.P. Srinath, Michael P. Battaglia, Barry I. Graubard, Lawrence Barker, David C. Hoaglin, Martin Frankel, Meena Khare. “Issues Relating to the Use of Jackknife Methods in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 61 KB]
- Smith, Philip J., Diane Simpson, Lance Rodewald, Lawrence Barker, and John Stevenson. “Overview of the Design and Preliminary Results from the Topical Modules of the National Immunization Survey.” This poster was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 2.8 MB]
- Smith, P.J., Schwartz, B. Mokdad, A., Bloch, A.B., McCauley, M., Murphy, T.V. The first oral rotavirus vaccine 1998-1999: Estimates of uptake from the National Immunization Survey. Press; Public Health Reports; Vol 118. [PDF – 70 KB]
- Srinath, K.P., Michael P. Battaglia, Martin R. Frankel, Meena Khare, Wenxing Zha. “Evaluation of a Procedure Based on Interruptions in Telephone Service for Reducing Coverage Bias in RDD Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association –Joint Statistical Meeting, August 11-15, 2002, New York, New York. [PDF – 59 KB]
- Stokley, Shannon, Michael P. Battaglia, Meena Khare, Danni Daniels, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, “Comparison of the NIS and NHIS/NIPRCS Estimation Methods.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 49 KB]
- Zell, Elizabeth R., Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, David C. Hoaglin, and James T. Massey, “Adjusting for Respondent Bias on Vaccination Status in a Telephone Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1995. [PDF – 65 KB]
Sample Design
- Battaglia, Michael P., Amy Starer, Jerry Oberkofler, and Elizabeth R. Zell, “Pre-Identification of Nonworking and Business Telephone Numbers in List-Assisted Random-Digit-Dialing Samples.” This paper presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1995. [PDF – 204 KB]
- Camburn, Donald P. and Bob Wright, “Predicting Eligibility Rates for Rare Populations in RDD Screening Surveys.” This paper was presented at the American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, 1996. [PDF – 39 KB]
- Ezzati-Rice, Trena, Elizabeth R. Zell, Michael P. Battaglia, Pamela L.Y.H. Ching, and Robert A. Wright, “The Design of the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, 1995. [PDF – 74 KB]
- Smith, Philip J., Michael P. Battaglia, Vicki J. Huggins, David C. Hoaglin, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Meena Khare, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Robert A. Wright, “Overview of the Sampling Design and Statistical Methods Used in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 20, Number 48, 2001. [PDF – 169 KB]
- Erratum to 2001 AJPM paper listed above. [PDF – 11 KB]
- Coronado, Victor C., Edmund F. Maes, Edwin Kilbourne, J. Michael Dennis, Michael P. Battaglia, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Rebecca V. Strella, “The National Immunization Survey Quality Control Program.” This paper was presented at the June 23, 1999 National Immunization Conference, Dallas, Texas. [PDF – 319 KB]
- Gust, D.A. “Who are Parents of Children Missing One or More Doses of Two or More of the Following Vaccines: DTaP/DTP, Hepatitis B, and Measles Containing Vaccine?” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 3 MB]
- Khare, Meena, Lone Simonsen, and Annabella Battaglia. “Dynamics of RotaShield Uptake in the U.S. Infant Population, a Vaccine that Was Withdrawn after 9 Months of Use.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 2.7 MB]
- Schwartz, Ben, Hussain Yusuf, Lance Rodewald, Robert A. Wright, Michael P. Battaglia, Marilyn Wilkinson, Vicki Huggins. “The National Immunization Survey: Design of a Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (NIS-KAP).” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 39 KB]
- Sheedy, Kristine M. “Differences in Sources of Immunization Information Among Parents of Children Up to Date and Parents of Children Not Up to Date on Two or More Vaccines.” This presentation was presented at the 37th Annual National Immunization Conference, March 17-20th, 2003, Chicago, Illinois. [PDF – 2.6 MB]
- Smith, Philip J., Diane Simpson, Michael P. Battaglia, Vicki Huggins, Monina Klevens, Marilyn Wilkinson, Ann-Sofi Rodén, Meena Khare, Robert A. Wright. “Split Sampling Design for Topical Modules in the National Immunization Survey.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 61 KB]
- Stevenson, John, Beth Luman, Robert A. Wright, Meena Khare, Barbara Canavan, David C. Hoaglin, Vicki J. Huggins, Linda Piccinino, Rebecca Strella. “The National Immunization Survey Registry Validation Study: Methodology for Matching and Analyses.” This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association Meetings, August 13-17, 2000 in Indianapolis, Indiana. [PDF – 33 KB]