NHIS Bibliography via MEDLINE

Note: The NHIS bibliography from the 1991-1997 period that appears here is no longer being updated. It is being retained here for historical purposes.

This bibliography includes several NCHS Series 10 reports. See the Series Reports homepage for a full listing of NCHS Series 10 reports.

In addition to doing a generic search using a search engine, the following resources may be useful for locating NHIS publications and articles:

Lalich NR, Sestito JP. Occupation Health Surveillance: Contributions From the National Health Interview Survey. Am J Ind Med. 31 (1): 1-3. Jan 1997.

Rao JK, Callahan LF, Haemick CH 3rd. Characteristics of Persons With Self-reported Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Conditions Who Do Not See a Doctor. J Rheumatol. 24 (1): 169-73. Jan 1997.

Collins JG. Prevalence of Selected Chronic Conditions: United States, 1990-1992. Vital Health Stat 10.(194):1-89. Jan 1997.

Regidor E, Barrio G, De la Fuente L, Rodriguez C. Non Fatal Injuries and the Use of Psychoactive Drugs Among Young Adults in Spain. Drug Alcohol Depend. 40 (3): 249-59. Mar 1996.

Le Baron CW, Chaney M, Baughman AL, Dini EF, Maes E, Dietz V, Bernier R. Impact of Measurement and Feedback on Vaccination Coverage in Public Clinics, 1988-1994. Diabetes Care. 19 (12): 1416-9. Dec 1996.

La Vange LM, Stearns SC, Lafata JE, Koch GG, Shah BV. Innovative Strategies Using SUDAAN for Analysis of Health Surveys with Complex Samples. Stat Methods Med Res. 5 (3): 311-29. Sep 1996.

Rogers RG. The Effects of Family Composition, Health, and Social Support Linkages on Mortality. J Health Soc Behav. 37 (4): 326-38. Dec 1996.

Collins JG, LeClere FB. Health and Selected Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Family: United States, 1988-90. Vital Health Stat 10. (196): I-vi, 1-85. Dec 1996.

Fraser JJ Jr. Nonfatal Injuries in Adolescents: United States, 1988. J Adolesc Health. 19 (3): 166-70. Sep 1996.

Hofer TP, Katz SJ. Healthy Behaviors Among Women in the United States and Ontario: the Effect on Use of Preventive Care. 86(12): 1755-9. Dec 1996.

Slesinski MJ, Subar AF, Kahle LL. Dietary Intake of Fat, Fiber and Other Nutrients is Related to the Use of the Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the United States: the 1992 National Health Interview Survey. J Nutr. 126 (12): 3001-8. Dec 1996.

Blanc PD, Faucett J, Kennedy JJ, Cisternas M, Yelin E. Self-reported Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Predictors o Work Disability From the National Health Interview Survey Occupational Health Supplement.Am J Ind Med. 30 (3): 362-8. Sep 1996.

Pearlman DN, Rakowski W, Ehrich B, Clark MA. Breast Cancer Screening Practices Among Black, Hispanic, and White Women: Reassessing Differences. Am J Prev Med. 12 (5): 327-37. Sep-Oct 1996.

Light JM, Irvine KM, Kjerulf L. Estimating Genetic and Environmental Effects of Alcohol Use and Dependence from a National Survey: a “Quasi-adoption” Study. J Stud Alcohol. 57 (5): 507-20. Sep 1996.

Hiatt RA, Pasick RJ. Unsolved Problems in Early Breast Cancer Detection: Focus on the Underserved. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 40 (1): 37-51. 1996.

Nelson DE, Davis RM, Chrismon JH, Giovino GA. Pipe Smoking in the United States, 1965- 1991: Prevalence and Attributable Mortality. Prev Med. 25 (2): 91-9. Mar-Apr 1996.

Meltzer AA, Everhart JE. Correlations with Self-reported Weight Loss in Overweight U.S. Adults. Obes Res. 4 (5): 479-86. Sep 1996.

Tam TW, Midanik LT, Greenfield TK, Caetano R. Selection Bias in National Surveys Due to Screening: Implications from a County General Population Survey. Addiction. 91 (4): 557-64. Apr 1996.

Fowler FJ Jr. The Redesign of the National Health Interview Survey. Public Health Rep. 111 (6): 508-11. Nov-Dec 1996.

Gift HC, Drury TF, Nowjack-Raymer RE, Selwitz RH. The State of the Nation’s Oral Health: Mid-Decade Assessment of Healthy People 2000. J Public Health Dent. 56 (2): 84-91. Spring 1996.

Caplan LS, Haynes SG. Breast Cancer Screening in Older Women. Public Health Rev. 24 (2): 193-204. 1996.

Mc Dermott S, Coker AL, Mani S, Krishnawami S, Nagle RJ, Barnett-Queen LL, Wuori DF. A Population-based Analysis of Behavior Problems in Children with Cerebral Palsy. J Pediatr Psychol. 21 (3): 447-63. Jun 1996.

Zhu BP, Giovino GA, Mowery PD, Eriksen MP. The Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and Education Revisited: Implications for Categorizing Person’ Educational Status. Am J Public Health. 86 (11): 1582-9. Nov 1996.

Hofman C, Rice D, Sung HY. Persons with Chronic Conditions. Their Prevalence and Costs. Public Health Rev. 33 (5): 162-164. 1996.

Husten CG, Chrismon JH, Reddy MN. Trends and Effects of Cigarette Smoking Among Girls and Women in the United States, 1965-1993. J Am Med Womens Assoc. 51 (1-2): 11-8. Jan-Apr 1996.

Waldman HB. Just Say No! Sounds Right, but… ASDC J Dent Child. 63 (3): 216-21.May-Jun 1996.

Callahan CM, Wolinsky FD. Hospitalization for Pneumonia Among Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 51 (6): M276-82. Nov 1996.

Katz SJ, Hofer TP, Manning WG. Hospital Utilization in Ontario and the United States: the Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Health Status. Can J Public Health. 87 (4): 253-6. Jul-Aug 1996.

Pearlman DN, Rakowski W, Ehrich B. Mammography, Clinical Breast Exam, and Pap Testing: Correlates of Combined Screening. Am J Prev Med. 12 (1): 52-64. Jan-Feb 1996.

Gallagher SK, Mechanic D. Living with the Mentally Ill: Effects on the Health and Functioning of other Household Members. Soc Sci Med. 42 (12): 1691-701. Jun 1996.

Anderson JE. CDC Data Systems Collecting Behavioral Data on HIV Counseling and Testing. Public Health Rep. 111 Suppl 1: 129-32. 1996.

Safran MA, Wilson RW. Surveillance of HIV Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors in the General Population. Public Health Rep. 111 Suppl 1 123-8. 1996.

Martin LM, Parker SL, Wingo PA, Heath CW Jr. Cervical Cancer Incidence and Screening: Status Report on Women in the United States. Cancer Pract. 4 (3): 135-40. May-Jun 1996.

Mannino Dm, Siegel M, Husten C, Rose D, Etzel R. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Health Effects in Children: Results from the 1991 National Health Interview Survey. Tob-Control. 5 (1): 13-8 Spring 1996.

Miller MA, Sutter RW, Strebel PM, Hadler SC. Cost-effectiveness of Incorporating Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine into the Routine Childhood Immunization Schedule. JAMA. 276(12): 967-71. Sep 25 1996.

O’Malley AS, Forrest CB. Continuity of Care and Delivery of Ambulatory Services to Children in Community Health Clinics. J Community Health. 21 (3): 159073. Jun 1996.

Byrd RS, Weitzman M, Lanphear NE, Auinger P. Bed-wetting in US Children: Epidemiology and Related Behavior Problems. Pediatrics. 98 (3 Pt 1): 414-9. Sep 1996.

Lowry R, Kann L, Collins JL, Kolbe LJ. The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Chronic Disease Risk Behaviors Among US Adolescents. JAMA. 276(10): 792-7. Sep 11 1996.

Edwards WS, Winn DM, Collins JG. Evaluation of 2-week Doctor Visit Reporting in the National Health Interview Survey. Vital Health Stat 2. (122): 1-46. Aug 1996.

Bergman-Evans B, Walker SN. The Prevalence of Clinical Preventive Services Utilization by Older Women. Nurse Pract. 21 (4): 88, 90, 99-100, passim. Apr 1996.

HIV Testing Among Women Aged 18-44 Years–United States, 1991 and 1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 45 (34): 733-7. Aug 1996.

Martin LM, Calle EE, Wingo PA, Heath CW Jr. Comparison of Mammography and Pap Test Use From the 1987 and 1992 National Health Interview Surveys: Are We Closing the Gaps? Am J Prev Med. 12 (2): 82-90. Mar-Apr 1996.

Eheman CR, Ford E, Garbe P, Staehling N. Knowledge About Indoor Radon in the United States 1990 National Health Interview Survey. Arch Environ Health. 51 (3): 245-7. May-Jun 1996.

Segal SP, Vandervoort DJ, Liese LH. Health and a Resedential Care Population. Soc Sci Med. 42 (5): 713-9. Mar 1996.

Sosin DM, Sniezek JE, Thruman DJ. Incidence of Mild and Moderate Brain Injury in the United States, 1991. 10 (1): 47-54. Jan 1996.

Halfon N, Newacheck PW, Wood DL, St Peter RF. Routine Emergency Department Use for Sick Care by Children in the United States. Pediatrics. 98 (1): 28-34. Jul 1996.

Graubard BI, Korn EL. Survey Inference for Subpopulations. Am J Epidemiol. 144 (1): 102-6. Jul 1 1996.

Woodruff BA, Stevenson J, Yusuf H, Kwong SL, Todoroff SL, Hadler JL, Hoyt MA , Mahoney FJ. Progress Toward Integrating Hepatitis B Vaccine into Routine Infant Immunization Schedules in the United States, 1991 through 1994. Connecticut Hepatitis B Project Group. Pediatrics. 97 (6 Pt 1): 798-803. Jun 1996.

Yusuf HR, Croft JB, Giles WH, Andsa RF, Casper ML, Caspersen CJ, Jones DA. Leisure-time Physical Activity Among Older Adults. United States, 1990. Arch Intern Med. 156 (12): 1321-6 Jun 24 1996.

Hedberg VA, Byrd RS, Klein JD, Auinger P, Weitzman M. The Role of Communtiy Health Centers in Providing Preventive Care to Adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 150 (6): 603-8. Jun 1996.

Sonnenberg A, Everhart JE. The Prevalence of Self-reported Peptic Ulcer in the United States. Am J Public Health. 86 (2): 200-5. Feb 1996.

Kjerulff KH, Erickson BA, Langenberg PW. Chronic Gynecological Conditions Reported by US Women: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey, 1984 to 1992. Am J Public Health. 86 (2): 195-9. Feb 1996.

Factors Associated with Prevalent Self-reported Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Conditions– United States, 1989-1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 45 (23): 487-91. Jun 14 1996.

Wolf AM, Colditz Ga. Social and Economic Effects of Body Weight in the United States. 63 (3 Suppl): 466S-469S. Mar 1996.

Oster G, Delea Te, Huse DM, Regan MM, Colditz GA. The Benefits and Risks of Over-the – counter Availability of Nicotine Polacrilex (“nicotine gum”).Med Care. 34 (5): 389-402. May 1996.

Nowjack-Raymer RE, Gift HC. Use of Mouthgaurds and Headgear in Organized Sports By School-aged Children. Public Health Rep. 111 (1): 82-6. Jan-Feb 1996.

Katz SJ, Hofer TP, Manning WG. Physician Use in Ontario and the United States: The Impact of Socioeconomix Status and Health Status. Am J Public Health. 86 (4): 520-4. 1996.

Harari D, Gurwitz JH, Avorn J, Bohn R, Minaker KL. Bowel Habit in Relation to Age and Gender. Findings from the National Health Interview Survey and Clinical Implications. Arch Intern med. 156 (3): 315-20. Feb 12 1996.

Harris MI. Medical Care for Patients with Diabetes. Epidemiologic Aspects. Ann Intern Med. 124 (1 pt 2) 117-22. Jan 1 1996.

Trends in Cancer Screening–United States, 1987 and 1992. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly. 45 (3): 57-61. Jan 26 1996.

Bussing R, Menvielle E, Zima B. Relationship Between Behavioral Problems and Unintentional Injuries in US Children. Findings of the 1988 National Health Interview Survey. 150 (1): 50-56. Jan 1996.

Bijur PE, Truble A, Harel Y, Overpeck MD, Jones D, Scheidt PC. Sports and Recreation Injuries in US Children and Adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 149 (9): 1009-16. Sep 1995.

Tanaka S, Wild DK, Seligman PJ, Halperin WE, Behrens J, Putz-Anderson V. Prevalence and Work-relatedness of Self-reorted Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among U.S. Workers: Analysis of the Occupational Health Supplement Data of 1988 National Health Interview Survey. Am J Ind Med. 27 (4): 451-70. Apr 1995.

Hasin DS, Grand BF. AA and Other Helpseeking for Alcohol Problems: Former Drinkers in the U.S. General Population. J Subst Abuse. 7 (3): 281-92. 1995.

DeCorte P, Gunther J, Harrison-Woodside T, Jewell D, Kaloti F. Health Insurance: Impact on Hospitalization Rates for Asthma. Nursing Connections. 8 (3): 33-42. Fall 1995.

elmick CG, Lawrence RC, Pollard RA, Lloyd E, Heyse SP. Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Conditions: Who is Affected Now, Who Will be Affected Later? National Arthritis Data Workgroup. Arthritis Care Res. 8 (4): 203-11. Dec 1995.

Izurieta HS, Sutter RW, Baughman AL, Strebel PM, Stevenson JM, Wharton M. Vaccine- associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis in the United States: No Evidence of Elevated Risk After Simultaneous Intramuscular Injections of Vaccine. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 14 (10): 840-6. Oct 1995.

Will JC. Self-reported Weight Loss Among Adults with Diabetes: Results from a National Health Survey. Diabet Med. 12 (11): 974-8. Nov 1995.

Meltzer AA, Everhart JE. Self-reported Substantia 1-year Weight Change Among Men and Women in the United States. Obes Res. 3 Suppl 2: 123s-134s. Sep 1995.

Guo HR, Tanaka S, Cameron LL, Seligman PJ, Behrens VJ, Ger J, Wild DK, Putz-Anderson V. Back Pain Among Workers in the United States: National Estimates and Workers at High Risk. Am J Ind Med. 28 (5): 591-602. Nov 1995.

Klevens RM, Giovino GA, Peddicord JP, Nelson DE, Mowery P, Grummer-Strawn L. The Association Between Veteran Status and Cigarette-smoking Behaviors. Am J Prev Med. 11 (4): 245-50. Jul-Aug 1995.

Meltzer AA, Everhart JE. Unintentional Weight Loss in the United States. Am J Epidemiol. 142 (10): 1039-46. Nov 15 1995.

Carlton-Ford S, Miller R, Brown M, Nealeigh N, Jennings P. Epilepsy and Children’s Social and Psychological Adjustment. J Health Soc Behav. 36 (3): 285-301. Sep 1995.

Cherry-Peppers G, Gift HC, Brunelle JA, Snowden CB. Sealant Use and Dental Utilization in U.S. Children. ASDC J Dent Child. 62 (4): 250-5. Jul-Aug 1995.

Yelin E, Callahan LF. The Economic Cost and Social and Psychological Impact of Musculoskeletal Conditions. National Arthritis Data Work Groups. Arthritis Rheum. 38 (10): 1351-62. Oct 1995.

Increasing Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates Among Patients of a National Health Care Alliance– United States, 1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 44 (40): 741-4. Oct 13 1995.

Fama T, Fox PD, White LA. Do HMOs Care For the Chronically Ill? Prev Med. 24 (3): 229-34. May 1995.

Patterson BH, Harlan LC, Block G, Kahle L. Food Choices of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics: Data from the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. NutrCancer 23 (2): 105-19. 1995.

Solomon JC, Marx J. “To Grandmother’s House We Go”: Health and School Adjustment of Children Raised Solely by Grandparents. Gerontologist. 35 (3): 386-94. Jun 1995.

Landen DD, Hendicks S. Effect of Recall on Reporting At-work Injuries. Public Health Rep. 110 (3): 350-4. May-Jun 1995.

Scheidt PC, Harel Y, Trumble AC, Jones DH, Overpeck MD, Bijur PE. The Epidemiology of Nonfatal Injuries Among US Children and Youth. Am J Public Health. 85 (7): 932-8. Jul 1995.

Pertussis–United States, January 1992-June 1995. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 44 (28): 525-9. Jul 21 1995.

Richardson JL, Danley K, Mondrus GT, Deapen D, Mack T. Adherence to Screening Examinations for Colorectal Cancer after Diagnosis in a First-degree Relative. Prev Med. 24 (2): 166-70. Mar 1995.

Rakowski W, Pearlman D, Rimer BK, Ehrich B. Correlates of Mammography Among Women with Low and High Socioeconomic Resources. Prev Med. 24 (2): 149-58. Mar 1995.

Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage Levels Among Persons Aged > or = 65 years–United States, 1973-1993.

Kaste LM, Gift HC. Inappropriate Infant Bottle Feeding. Status of the Healthy People 2000 Objective. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 149 (7): 786-91. Jul 1995.

Muthen BO. Factor Analysis of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence Symptom Items in the 1988 National Health Interview Survey. Addiction. 90 (5): 637-45. May 1995.

Botman SL, Jack SS. Combining National Health Interview Survey Datasets: Issues and Approaches. Stat Med. 14 (5-7): 669-77. Mar 15-Apr 15 1995.

Ezzati TM, Hoffman K, Judkins DR, Massey JT, Moore TF. A Dual Frame Design for Sampling Elderly Minorities and Persons with Disabilities. Stat Med. 14 (5-7): 571-83. Mar 15- Apr 15 1995.

Garver D, Kaczmarek RG, Silverman BG, Gross TP, Hamilton PM. The Epidemiology of Prosthetic Heart Valves in the United States. Tex Heart Inst J. 22 (1): 86-91. 1995.

Marx J, Osguthorpe JD, Parsons G. Day Care and the Incidence of Otitis Media in Young Children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 112 (6): 695-9 Jun 1995.

Waidmann T, Bound J, Schoenbaum M. The Illusion of Failure: Trends in the Self-reported Health of the U.S. Elderly. Milbank Q. 73 (2): 253-87. 1995.

Anderson LM, May DS. Has the Use of Cervical, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer Screening Increased in the United States? Am J Public Health. 85 (6): 840-2. Jun 1995.

Wun LM, Feuer EJ, Miller BA. Are Increases in Mammographic Screening Still a Valid Explanation for Trends in Breast Cancer Incidence in the United States? Cancer Causes Control. 6 (2): 135-44. Mar 1995.

Vaccination Coverage Levels Among Children Aged 19-35 Months–United States, April-June 1994. MMWR Morb Wkly Rep. 44 (17): 329-34. May 5 1995.

Holl JL, Szilagyi PG, Rodewald LE, Byrd RS, Weitzman ML. Profile of Uninsured Children in the United States. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 149 (4): 398-406. Apr 1995.

Ford ES, Herman WH. Leisure-time Physical Activity Patterns in the U.S. Diabetic Population. Findings from the 1990 National Health Interview Survey–Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplement. Diabetes Care. 18 (1): 27-33. Jan 1995.

Coward RT, Vogel WB, Duncan RP, Uttaro R. Should Intrastate Funding Formlae for the Older American Act Include a Rural Factor? Gerontologist. 35 (1): 24-34. Feb 1995.

Vaccination Coverage of 2-year-old Children–United States, January-March, 1994. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 44 (8): 142-3, 149-50. Mar 3 1995.

Silverman BG, Gross TP, Kaczmarek RG, Hamilton P, Hamburger S. The Epidemiology of Pacemaker Implantation in the United States. Public Health Rep. 110 (1): 42-6. Jan-Feb 1995.

Horowitz AM, Nourjah P, Gift HC. U.S. Adult Knowledge of Risk Factors and Signs of Oral Cancers: 1990. J AM Dent Assoc. 126 (1): 39-45. Jan 1995.Ford ES, Malarcher AM, Herman WH, Aubert RE. Diabetes Mellitus and Cigarette Smoking. Findings From the 1989 National Health Interview Survey. 17 (7): 688-92. Jul 1994.

Newacheck PW. Poverty and Childhood Chronic Illness. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 148 (11): 1143-9. Nov 1994.

Vaccination Coverage of 2-year-old Children–United States, 1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (39): 705-9. Oct 7 1994.

Harford TC, Grant BF. Prevalence and Population Validity of DSM-III-R Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: the 1989 National Longitudinal Survey on Youth. J Subst Abuse. 6 (1): 37- 44. 1994.

Gilpin EA, Lee L, Evans N, Pierce JP. Smoking Initiation Rates in Adults and Minors: United States, 1944-1988. AM J Epidemiol. 140 (6): 535-43. Sep 15 1994.

Crain EF, Weiss KB, Bijur PE, Hersh M, Westbrook L, Stein RE. An Estimate of the Prevalence of Asthma and Wheezing Among Inner-city Children. Pediatrics. 94 (3): 356-62. Sep 1994.

Katz SJ, Hofer TP. Socioeconomic Disparities in Preventive Care Persist Despite Universal Coverage. Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening in Ontario and the United States. AMA. 272 (7): 530-4. Aug 17 1994.

Vaccination Coverage of 2-year-old Children–United States, Third Quarter, 1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (30): 556-9. Aug 5 1994.

Williams GD, Proudfit AH, Quinn EA, Campbell KE. Variations in Quantity-Frequency Measures of Alcohol Consumption From a General Population Survey. Addiction. 89 (4): 413-20. Apr 1994.

Adults Taking Action to Control Their Blood Pressure–United States, 1990. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (28): 509-11, 517. Jul 22 1994.

Queen S, Pappas G, Hadden W, Fisher G. The Widening Gap Between Socioeconomic Status and Mortality. Stat Bull Metrop Insur Co. 75 (2): 31-5. Apr-Jun 1994.

Arthritis Prevalence and Activity Limitations–United States, 1990. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (24): 433-8. Jun 24 1994.

Brackbill Rm, Cameron LL, Behrens V. Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Impairments Among US Farmers, 1986-1990 [published erratum appears in Am J Epidemiol 1994 Dec 1;140(11): 1059]. Am J Epidemiol. 139 (11): 1055-65. Jun 1 1994.

Cigarette Smoking Among Adults–United States, 1992, and Changes in the Definition of Current Cigarette Smoking [published erratum appears in MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1994 Nov 4;43(43):801-3] MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (19): 342-6. May 20 1994.

Dawson DA. Consumption Indicators of Alcohol Dependance. Addiction. 89 (3): 345-50. Mar 1994.

Subar AF, Frey CM, Harlan LC, Kahle L. Differences in Reported Food Frequency By Season of Questionnaire Administration: the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Epidemiology. 5 (2):226-33. Mar 1994.

Halpern MT, Warner KE. Differences in Former Smokers’ Beliefs and Health Status Following Smoking Cessation. Am J Prev Med. 10 (1): 31-7. Jan-Feb 1994.

Gillum RF. Prevalence of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases and Risk Factors by Region and Urbanization in the United States. J Natl Med Assoc. 86 (2): 105-12. Feb 1994.

Vaccination Coverage of 2-year-old Children–United States, 1992-1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (15): 282-3. Apr 22 1994.

Harel Y, Overpeck MD, Jones DH, Scheidt PC, Bijur PE, Trumble AC. The Effects of Recall on Estimation Annual Nonfatal Injury Rates for Children and Adolescents. Am J Public Health. 84 (4): 599-605. Apr 1994.

Benson V, Marano MA. Current Estimates from the National Health Survey, 1992. Vital Health Stat 10. (189): 1-269. Jan 1994.

Nelson DE, Giovino GA, Emont SL, Brackbill R, Cameron LL, Peddicord J, Mowerey PD. Trends in Cigarette Smoking Prevalence among US Physicians and Nurses. JAMA. 271 (16): 1273-5. Apr 27 1994.

Health-risk Behaviors Among Persons Aged 12-21 Years–United States, 1992. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (13): 231-5. Apr 8 1994.

Evaluation of National Health Interview Survey Diagnostic Reporting. (120): 1-116. Feb 1994.

Examinations for Oral Cancer–United States, 1992. MMWR-Morb-Mortal-Wkly-Rep. 43 (11): 198-200. Mar 25 1994.

Mainous AG 3rd, Hueston WJ. The Effect of Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy on Preterm Delivery and Low Birthweight. J Fam Pract. 38 (3): 262-6. Mar 1994.

Simpson GA, Fowler MG. Geographic Mobility and Children’s Emotional/Behavioral Adjustment and School Functioning. Pediatrics. 93 (2): 303-9. Feb 1994.

Byrd RS, Weitzman ML. Predictors of Early Grade Retention Among Children in the United States. Pediatrics. 93 (3): 481-7. Mar 1994.

Health Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents Who Do and Do Not Attend School–United States, 1992. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (8): 129-32. Mar 4 1994.

Vaccination Coverage of 2-year-old Children–United States, 1991-1992 [published erratum appears in JAMA 1994 Feb 2;271(5):341]. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 42 (51-52): 985-8. Jan 7 1994.

Nourjah P, Horowitz AM, Wagener DK. Factors Associated with the Use of Fluoride Supplements and Flouride Dentifrice by Infants and Toddlers. J Public Health Dent. 54 (1): 47-54. Winter 1994.

Subar AF, Ziegler RG, Paterson BH, Ursin G, Graubard B. US Dietary Patterns Associated with Fat Intake the 1987 National Health Interview Survey. Am J Public Health. 84 (3): 359- 66. Mar 1994.

Coiro MJ, Zill N, Bloom B. Health of Our Nation’s Children. Vital Health Stat 10. (191): 1-61. Dec 1994.

Boyle CA, Decoufle P, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Prevalence and Health Impact of Developmental Disabilities in US Children. Pediatrics. 93 (3): 399-403. Mar 1994.

Newacheck PW, Stoddard JJ. Prevalence and Impact of Multiple Childhood Chronic Illnesses. J Pediatr. 124 (1): 40-8. Jan 1994.

Chou SP, Dawson DA. A Study of the Gender Differences in Morbidity Among Individuals Diagnosed with Alcohol Abuse and/or Dependance. J Subst Abuse. 6 (4): 381-92. 1994.

Nourjah P, Wagener DK, Eberhardt M, Horowitz AM. Knowledge of Risk Factors and Risk Behaviors Related to Coronary Heart Disease Among Blue and White Collar Males. J Public Health Policy. 15 (4): 443-59. Winter 1994.

Sahler OJ, Roghmann KJ, Carpenter PJ, Mulhern RK, Dolgin MJ, Sargent JR, Barbarin OA, Copeland DR, Zeltzer LK. Sibling Adaptation to Childhood Cancer Collaborative Study: Prevalence of Sibling Distress and Definition of Adaptation Levels. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 15 (5): 353-66. Oct 1994.

Blumberg MS. Impact of Extending Health Care Coverage to the Uninsured. Health Aff Millwood. 13 (5): 181-92. Winter 1994.

LeClere FB, Jensen L, Biddlecom AE. Health Care Utilization, Family Context, and Adaptation Among Immigrants to the United States. J Health Soc Behav. 35 (4): 370-84. Dec. 1994.

Hafner-Eaton C. Patterns of Hospital and Physician Utilization Among the Uninsured. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 5 (4): 297-315. 1994.

Cowie CC, Harris MI, Eberhardt MS. Frequency and Determinants of Screening for Diabetes in the U.S. Diabetes Care. 17 (10): 1158-63. Oct 1994.

Mainous AG 3rd, Hueston WJ. Passive Smoke and Low Birth Weight. Evidence of a Threshold Effect. Arch Fam Med. 3 (10): 875-8. Oct 1994.

Dawson DA. Heavy Drinking and the Risk of Occupational Injury. Accid Anal Prev. 26 (5): 655-65. Oct 1994.

Cigarette Smoking Among Adults–United States, 1993. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (50): 925-30. Dec 23 1994.

Tanaka S, Wild DK, Seligman PJ, Behrens V, Cameron L, Putz-Anderson V. The US Prevalence of Selp-reported Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 1988 National Health Interview Survey Data. Am J Public Health. 84 (11): 1846-8. Nov 1994.

Lafata JE, Koch GG, Weissert WG. Estimating Activity Limitation in the Noninstitutionalized Population: a Method for Small Areas. Am J Public Health. 84 (11): 1813-7. Nov 1994.

Behrens V, Seligman P, Cameron L, Mathias CG, Fine L. The Prevalence of Back Pain, Hand Discomfort, and Dermatitis in the US Working Population. Am J Public Health. 84 (11): 1780-5. Nov 1994.

Giovino GA, Schooley MW, Zhu BP, Chrismon JH. Tomar SL, Peddicord JP, Merritt RK, Husten CG, Eriksen MP. Surveillance for Selected Tobacco-use Behaviors–United States, 1900-1994. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ. 43 (3): 1-43. Oct 1994.

Blaum CS, Liang J, Liu X. The Relationship of Chronic Diseases and Health Status to the Health Services Utilization of Older Americans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 42 (10): 1087-93. Oct 1994.

Ford ES, Malarcher AM, Herman WH, Aubert RE. Diabetes Mellitus and Cigarette Smoking. Findings from the 1989 National Health Interview Survey. Diabetes Care. 17 (7): 688- 92. Jul 1994.

Prevalence of Self-reported Epilepsy–United States, 1986-1990. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 43 (43): 789-91, 797. Nov 4, 1994.

Calle EE, Flanders WD, Thun MJ, Martin LM. Demographic Predictors of Mammography and Pap Smear Screening in U.S. Women. Am J Public Health. 83 (1): 53-60. Jan. 1993.

Gentry EM, Salmon CT, Wooten KG, Jason JM. Using Indices to Differentiate Dimensions of Knowledge Regarding Modes of HIV Transmission in the U.S. Population. J Acquir Immune Defic. Syndr. 6 (1): 76-81. Jan. 1993.

Halfon N, Newacheck PW. Childhood Asthma and Poverty: Differential Impacts and Utilization of Health Services. Pediatrics. 91(1): 56-61. Jan 1993.

Block G, Subar AF. Estimates of Nutrient Intake From a Food Frequency Questionnaire: the 1987 Nation Health Interview Survey. J Am Diet Assoc. 92 (8): 969-77.

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