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What to Expect

Congratulations! You have been invited to take part in NHANES.

Your household was randomly selected from addresses across the country through a scientific process. You should have received a letter introducing the survey.

If you choose to participate, your NHANES field interviewer will schedule your interview at a time that is convenient for you. It can be during the weekend or weekday, daytime or evening. It can take place in your home or somewhere else if you choose.

Image of child with parent and doctor

The NHANES health interview covers a broad range of topics related to your health, including your current and past medical conditions and access to healthcare. It will take about an hour to complete.

The field interviewer will schedule your free health exam at the NHANES Mobile Exam Center. This health exam is tailored to you, based on your age and gender. They will also schedule telephone interviews to ask about the foods you eat.

Your NHANES health exam will be completed by highly trained health professionals. You will receive results from your exam that can be shared with your healthcare providers. Some of the health tests you may receive include:

  • Height, weight, and other body measures
  • Blood pressure
  • Oral health
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Bone density
  • Lab testing for environmental exposures, kidney and liver function
  • Lab testing for allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, pet dander, grasses and trees, molds, and other things in the environment

To thank you for your time and commitment to NHANES, you will receive:

  • Generous tokens of appreciation each time you complete NHANES activities.
  • Compensation for transportation and childcare or adult care costs.
  • Exam results available through the secure NHANES participant portal.