Why Participate in the NAMCS Provider Survey Component

Key points

  • Your participation in the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) will help provide high-quality, nationally representative data.
  • Your contributions ensure that your geographic region and medical specialty are represented.
  • NAMCS data can help drive policy change and improve health care in the United States.
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey logos


Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the Provider Survey Component of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS). NAMCS is the foremost study of ambulatory care in the United States.

Carol DeFrances, Ph.D., short dark hair, glasses, and a pink shirt in front of a blurred background.
The NCHS Division of Health Care Statistics director encourages providers to participate in NAMCS.


"By participating in NAMCS, you are directly contributing to our understanding of how ambulatory care is used and provided. Your data inform the public and can help researchers and policymakers improve our nation's health."

—Carol DeFrances, Ph.D., director of the Division of Health Care Statistics.

Already a participant?‎‎

Thank you for being a part of NAMCS! Your participation helps us provide you and others with reliable, trusted information.

Contact us

We're here to answer your questions.

NCHS Division of Health Care Statistics

Phone: 800–392–2862
Email: ambcare@cdc.gov