2022 Summary of Hearing Screening Among Total Occurrent Births

2022 Summary of Hearing Screening Among Total Occurrent Births
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August 2024

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Data Source: 2022 CDC EHDI Hearing Screening & Follow-up Survey (HSFS)

2022 Summary of Hearing Screening Among Total Occurrent Births
State / Territory
(n = 55)
Total Occurrent Births Total Screened Percent Screened (Based on # of EHDI Births)* Percent Screened (Based on # of Vital Records Births) No Documented Screening: LFU/LTD
Births Reported to EHDI program Births According
to Vital Records
Parents/ Family Contacted but Unresponsive Unable to Contact Unknown Number LFU/LTD:
Due to
Contacted but Unresponsive
+ Unable to Contact
+ Unknown among EHDI Births
Percent LFU/LTD:
Due to Contacted but Unresponsive
+ Unable to Contact
+ Unknown among EHDI Births
Alaska 9,327 9,361 8,611 92.3 92.0 1 1 641 643 6.9
American Samoa 706 706 686 97.2 97.2 3 0 0 3 0.4
Arizona 79,442 79,442 77,925 98.1 98.1 40 87 72 199 0.3
Arkansas 34,465 34,628 34,078 98.9 98.4 2 0 33 35 0.1
California 413,726 413,726 411,736 99.5 99.5 33 82 0 115 0.0
Colorado 63,394 63,038 61,628 97.2 97.8 6 1 608 615 1.0
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 473 473 472 99.8 99.8 0 0 0 0 0.0
Connecticut 36,580 36,554 36,254 99.1 99.2 45 117 0 162 0.4
Delaware 11,376 11,218 11,113 97.7 99.1 0 0 170 170 1.5
District of Columbia 11,576 11,499 11,453 98.9 99.6 0 0 29 29 0.3
Florida 224,611 224,611 222,444 99.0 99.0 0 0 1,495 1,495 0.7
Georgia 127,050 127,050 122,551 96.5 96.5 10 5 27 42 0.0
Guam 2,158 2,521 2,158 100.0 85.6 0 0 0 0 0.0
Hawaii 15,490 15,570 15,169 97.9 97.4 7 2 12 21 0.1
Idaho 21,857 22,382 20,919 95.7 93.5 53 219 399 671 3.1
Illinois 124,966 124,966 123,299 98.7 98.7 8 7 33 48 0.0
Indiana 80,007 80,007 77,722 97.1 97.1 41 1 810 852 1.1
Iowa 36,731 36,731 35,992 98.0 98.0 1 2 0 3 0.0
Kansas 36,249 36,249 35,877 99.0 99.0 69 10 0 79 0.2
Kentucky 49,658 49,658 48,466 97.6 97.6 0 0 12 12 0.0
Louisiana 56,437 56,437 55,829 98.9 98.9 0 0 153 153 0.3
Maine 11,730 11,730 11,226 95.7 95.7 7 0 19 26 0.2
Maryland 65,439 65,439 64,407 98.4 98.4 7 14 5 26 0.0
Massachusetts 69,537 69,537 68,867 99.0 99.0 0 0 24 24 0.0
Michigan 100,164 100,880 98,757 98.6 97.9 0 0 69 69 0.1
Minnesota 63,074 63,089 62,287 98.8 98.7 7 1 0 8 0.0
Mississippi 33,683 33,683 30,611 90.9 90.9 0 75 2,038 2,113 6.3
Missouri 69,282 69,615 67,378 97.3 96.8 0 654 141 795 1.1
Montana 11,228 11,228 10,510 93.6 93.6 0 0 96 96 0.9
Nebraska 24,707 24,568 24,707 100.0 100.6 0 0 0 0 0.0
Nevada 32,928 32,928 31,724 96.3 96.3 19 1 449 469 1.4
New Hampshireα 12,156 12,029 9,872 81.2 82.1 0 0 0 0 0.0
New Jersey 99,623 99,672 98,566 98.9 98.9 24 2 4 30 0.0
New Mexico 18,427 19,182 18,302 99.3 95.4 20 25 3 48 0.3
New York 208,792 208,792 201,496 96.5 96.5 0 0 3,125 3,125 1.5
North Carolina 123,969 123,969 122,571 98.9 98.9 13 51 51 115 0.1
North Dakota 11,111 11,102 10,937 98.4 98.5 1 1 0 2 0.0
Ohio 128,891 128,751 125,109 97.1 97.2 0 0 60 60 0.0
Oklahoma 46,324 48,314 45,566 98.4 94.3 0 72 67 139 0.3
Oregon 39,995 40,100 39,297 98.3 98.0 14 1 46 61 0.2
Palau 157 157 155 98.7 98.7 0 0 0 0 0.0
Pennsylvania 130,325 129,480 127,600 97.9 98.5 72 419 0 491 0.4
Puerto Rico 18,875 19,163 18,168 96.3 94.8 57 4 218 279 1.5
Rhode Island 10,709 10,709 10,559 98.6 98.6 12 11 0 23 0.2
South Carolina 53,914 53,914 52,374 97.1 97.1 0 0 932 932 1.7
South Dakota 12,030 12,030 11,539 95.9 95.9 0 0 15 15 0.1
Tennessee 87,716 87,716 86,532 98.7 98.7 7 253 0 260 0.3
Texas 383,168 398,175 377,256 98.5 94.7 0 0 1,839 1,839 0.5
Utah 47,083 47,081 46,469 98.7 98.7 14 2 0 16 0.0
Vermont 5,101 5,101 5,015 98.3 98.3 0 0 0 0 0.0
Virginia 95,845 95,845 93,658 97.7 97.7 48 11 39 98 0.1
Washington 81,894 82,986 80,952 98.8 97.5 148 119 0 267 0.3
West Virginia 17,545 17,935 17,244 98.3 96.1 0 43 115 158 0.9
Wisconsin 59,712 59,757 58,422 97.8 97.8 39 35 0 74 0.1
Wyoming 5,363 5,363 5,259 98.1 98.1 0 0 0 0 0.0
Totals 3,616,776 3,636,847 3,547,774 98.1 97.6 828 2,328 13,849 17,005 0.5

LFU/LTD = Loss to follow-up/Loss to documentation

Data include information about any services that infants born in the calendar year 2022 received through 2023, until time of survey reporting.

Total Screened and LFU/LTD categories do not equal to births reported to EHDI program because there are other reasons for no documented screening not included in this summary (e.g., non-resident/moved out of jurisdiction, medical reasons, transferred/no documentation, etc). Please refer to “2022 Summary of Reasons for No Documented Hearing Screening Among Total Occurrent Births” for more details on no screens.

The number of “Births According to Vital Records” was not available. The number of “Births Reported to EHDI program” was used to populate this field.

αThe program is experiencing data migration challenges, therefore data may not be accurate.

*Percent Screened: (# Hearing Screened / # Total Occurrent Births Reported to EHDI Program) x 100

Percent Screened based on number of Vital Record Births: (# Hearing Screened / Total Occurrent Births According to Vital Records) x 100

Percent LFU/LTD among EHDI Births: ((# Contacted but Unresponsive + # Unable to Contact + # Unknown) / # Total Occurrent Births Reported to EHDI Program) x 100

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