Partnerships and Collaborations

What to know

You'll find information about the strategies our partners and collaborators have used to help CDC reach the Controlling Childhood Asthma Reducing Emergencies (CCARE) goal of preventing 500,000 hospitalizations and ER visits.

A metal pin in the shape of a blue ribbon for asthma awareness.


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), working in close collaboration with partners, have the unique capacity to coordinate the development and use of activities related to CDC’s EXHALE strategies. Several NGOs are working to help CDC reach the Controlling Childhood Asthma Reducing Emergencies (CCARE) goal of preventing 500,000 hospitalizations and emergency department visits among children with asthma by August 30, 2024.

NGO project summaries for EH20-2002

Additional information

Learn more about our EXHALE strategies and CCARE goal: