Mosquito Surveillance Traps
- Mosquito control professionals use a variety of traps and other surveillance tools to conduct mosquito surveillance.
- Traps are designed to collect a variety of mosquito species at different life stages, including eggs, larvae, adult females, and gravid females.
Autocidal gravid ovitrap (AGO)
- Mosquito species: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus spp.
- Life stage: gravid, adult female
Tips for use
- Best if used during summer months in temperate areas
- Uses a pack of hay and 8-10 L of water
- Can be deployed for 2 months without checking on them
Autocidal gravid ovitraps allow researchers to collect mosquitoes for study.
BG sentinel trap
- Mosquito species: Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus, and Culex spp.
Tips for use
- Use an attractant (e.g., octenol lure, human scent lure, carbon dioxide) to attract more female mosquitoes
BG sentinel traps use an attractant to attract more female mosquitoes.
CDC light trap
- Mosquito species: wide range of mosquito genera and species (including Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex spp.)
- Life stage: adult
Tips for use
- Hang from a tree (5 feet above the ground)
- Using dry ice releases carbon dioxide that attracts host-seeking female mosquitoes
- Most effective when set at dusk and collected after dawn the next day
A CDC light trap captures flying mosquitoes.
Gravid trap
- Mosquito species: Culex spp.
- Life stage: gravid, adult females
Tips for use
- Infuse hay in water 5 days before use (acts as an attractant)
- Drain water on days that trapping is not taking place
Gravid traps attract adult female mosquitoes.
- Mosquito species: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus, and Ae. triseriatus
Tips for use
- Check at least every 3 days
- Dark colors (black) are attractive to females for egg laying
The ovicup trap is designed to attract female mosquitoes for laying eggs.
Resting trap
- Mosquito species: Anopheles, Culex, and Culiseta spp.
- Life stages: adult females
Tips for use
- Set traps in cool, shaded areas
- Collect mosquitoes in the early morning
- Do not set in areas with high sun exposure for extended periods of time
A resting trap is best used for catching mosquitoes by placing in cool, shaded areas.