Nebraska Funding Priorities

Key points

The CDC Injury Center prioritizes funding for the prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), overdose, and suicide. This page shows how funds were appropriated in the state of Nebraska in FY23.

State of Nebraska

Overdose prevention funding - Nebraska

There were 107,968 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2022 (34.6 deaths per 100,000 standard population), a 1.2% increase from 2021.1

  • There were 225 overdose deaths in Nebraska in 20222
  • There were 11.8 overdose deaths per 100,000 people (age-adjusted) in Nebraska in 20222

Total overdose prevention funding in Nebraska‎

CDC appropriated $3,459,153 for overdose prevention activities in the state of Nebraska in FY23.

Overdose prevention programs

  • Public Health and Public Safety
    • Overdose Response Strategy: $87,600*

*average award amount

Examples of how Nebraska is working to prevent overdose

Public safety partnership and trainings

Developed as a result of a needs assessment, Nebraska provided four trainings to public safety officials and emergency medical service providers on harm reduction, stigma reduction, and compassion fatigue.

Opioid overdose prevention community of practice

Nebraska created an opioid overdose prevention community of practice, with participation from local health departments across the state. Experts from the state health department facilitate monthly meetings for the community to work collaboratively and offer support and resources to one another.

Suicide prevention funding - Nebraska

  • There were 306 suicide deaths in Nebraska in 2022
  • There were 15.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 people (age-adjusted) in Nebraska in 2022

Total suicide prevention funding for Nebraska‎

CDC appropriated $755,000 for suicide prevention activities in the state of Nebraska in FY23.

Suicide prevention programs

Nevada Funding
  1. Spencer MR, Miniño AM, Warner M. Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 2001–2021. NCHS Data Brief, no 457. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2022. DOI:
  2. NVSS – Drug Overdose Deaths