Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard

What to know

  • Injuries and violence affect the health of individuals and communities across the country.
  • More Americans ages 1-44 die from injuries and violence—including overdose, suicide, or homicide—than any other cause.
  • This dashboard provides timely, local data on deaths from injury and violence to help understand the problem, inform prevention, and save lives.

Explore the data

About this dashboard

The Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard displays data on deaths from drug overdose, suicide, and homicide. The dashboard shows information down to census tracts using provisional and final death data received from states.

The links below provide more information about the data sources and the methods CDC uses to display data on the dashboard. Important technical notes and limitations can also be found on these pages.

Preventing deaths from drug overdose, suicide, and violence

States and communities can use public health strategies to prevent these deaths. CDC offers states and communities strategies based on the best available evidence to prevent drug overdose, suicide, and violence.