At a glance
Every baby is different. How much and how often your baby feeds will depend on their needs. Here are a few things to know about infant formula feeding during their first days, weeks, and months.

First days
Talk with your child's doctor or nurse
Your newborn baby's belly is tiny. They do not need a lot of infant formula with each feeding to be full. If your baby is only getting infant formula and no breast milk, start by offering them 1 to 2 ounces of infant formula every 2 to 3 hours in the first days of life. Give them more if they show signs of hunger.
Most infant formula-fed newborns will feed 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. Talk with your baby's doctor or nurse about how much infant formula is right for them.
As your baby grows, their belly grows too. They will be able to drink more infant formula at each feeding, and the time between feedings will get longer.
First weeks and months
Over the first few weeks and months, the time between feedings will get longer. Most formula-fed infants will feed about every 3 to 4 hours at this age. This means you may need to wake your baby to feed. You can try patting, stroking, undressing, or changing the diaper to help wake your baby.
Some feeding sessions may be long, and other feedings short. That's OK. Babies generally take what they need at each feeding and stop eating when full.
Does your baby need additional vitamin D?

6 to 12 months old
Continue feeding your baby when they show signs of hunger. Most 6 to 12-month-olds will need infant formula or solid foods about 5 to 6 times in 24 hours.
As your baby gradually eats more solid foods, they will gradually need less infant formula.
12 to 24 months old
When your toddler is 12 months old, you can switch from infant formula to plain, pasteurized whole cow's milk or fortified unsweetened soy beverage. You can do this gradually. You may want to start by replacing one infant formula feeding with cow's milk to help your child transition.