What to know
IPP has developed tools and resources to assist users with the account creation process, as well as logging in to eIPP for the first time. Those materials are available below.
Setting up a SAMS account
All potential applicants are required to have a SAMS (Secure Access Management Services) account to access eIPP. This protects the security of the information by requiring users to enter a user ID and password, or other secure credentials, before providing access to the system.
If you do not yet have a SAMS account but would like to establish one in order to submit a new application, please fill out an eIPP Support Request Form and select the “Request SAMS account” from the “Category” dropdown menu.
If you already have a SAMS account but would like to request access to eIPP to fill out an import permit, please email eIPPSupport@cdc.gov and provide your SAMS username. The IT team will link your SAMS account with eIPP.
Note: If you think you may already have a SAMS account, contact eIPPSupport@cdc.gov before requesting a new account.