Publications, Data, & Statistics

Reports, recommendations, and other studies can be important resources for investigating and preventing waterborne disease outbreaks. Below are reports, recommendations, surveillance summaries, and other publications that focus on drinking water-related illnesses and related topics.

Publication Highlight

Vanden Esschert K, Barrett CE, Collier SA, Garcia-Williams AG, Hannapel E, Yoder JS, Benedict KM. Demographic differences in use of household tap water in a representative sample of US adults, FallStyles 2019. J Water Health 2021; jwh2021118. DOI:

Surveillance Summaries
  • Surveillance Reports for Drinking Water–associated Disease & Outbreaks. Surveillance for waterborne disease and outbreaks associated with drinking water and other nonrecreational water exposures, dating from 1971 to the most recently available reported data.
  • For information on the most recently reported drinking water outbreaks, see NORS Dashboard. Select “Waterborne” outbreaks only and select both “Drinking water” and “Other/environmental water” from the Water Exposure menu.
More Resources
    • Search PubMed using the following search terms:
      • Drinking water + MMWR
      • Drinking water outbreaks
      • Drinking water treatment