At a glance
The CDC Healthy Schools web graphics resources can be used for your school's websites or presentations.
Chronic health conditions
The National Association of School Nurses states that every school-aged child deserves a school nurse.
Health and academics
Student health services: critical help with daily management of students with chronic health issues.
Evidence shows that healthy students perform better in school.
More than 800 studies, in 25 years of research, shows that healthy students are better learners.
Children/teens who don't get enough sleep have higher risk of obesity, diabetes, poor mental health.
CDC recommends that schools help students make healthy food and beverage choices.
CDC and other national organizations recommend that schools offer a quality school meal program.
Energy drinks are associated with health concerns: dehydration, irregular heartbeat, and insomnia.
Physical education and physical activity
CDC and other national organizations recommend a broad, schoolwide approach to physical activity.
CDC and other national groups recommend schoolwide efforts: encouraging student physical activity.
National guidelines say: children/adolescents should get 1 hour or more of physical activity daily.
Strategies to guide recess can increase physical activity and lead to improved classroom engagement.
Steps add up! Students are active for an average of 1,062 steps during recess.
Teens getting mostly A's (vs. D's/F's) are about twice as likely to get 1 hour of physical activity.