Clinical Guidelines for Group B Strep Disease

Key points

  • Group B Streptococcus (group B strep, GBS) cause GBS disease.
  • Professional associations have issued prevention and management recommendations for GBS disease in newborns.
  • CDC's 2010 guidelines are no longer in effect.
  • Guidelines for laboratorians are available that focus on detection and identification of GBS bacteria.
Healthcare provider holding a small newborn.


Current guidelines related to the prevention and management of GBS in newborns include:

For obstetric providers

2019: Prevention of group B streptococcal early-onset disease in newborns

App available for obstetric providers‎

Use the "Prevent Group B Strep" app to achieve better implementation of obstetric guidelines.

For pediatric providers

2019: Management of infants at risk for group B streptococcal disease

2018: Management of infants with suspected or proven early-onset sepsis

About the guidelines

The following groups have worked together on GBS prevention for many years:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives
  • American Society for Microbiology
  • CDC

The guidelines on this page represents both progress and continued collaboration between these groups. They replace the 2010 guidelines previously published by CDC.

These organizations remain committed to working together to protect newborns from GBS disease.