Global TB Epidemic

At a glance

Despite being preventable and treatable, tuberculosis (TB) remains a deadly disease, with over 3,500 people losing their lives to TB each day. Learn how CDC and its partners are working in countries to implement effective solutions to end this devastating disease.


Map of the countries where CDC and partners work on TB prevention
CDC and partners work on TB prevention in 42 countries around the world.

CDC and partners work in 42 countries to prevent, diagnose, and treat TB. To make progress, we must address this epidemic in people who are at higher risk and increase access to TB preventive measures. By taking immediate and effective action, we can change the course of the epidemic and make this disease history.

CDC's Contributions to Ending HIV-Associated TB

TB remains the leading cause of death among people living with HIV (PLHIV). CDC is committed to supporting increased access to TB preventive treatment (TPT)—a proven, lifesaving intervention for PLHIV.

In 2024, CDC supported TB screenings for 10.4 million people with HIV – 59 percent of all people with HIV screened for TB through PEPFAR.
In 2024, CDC supported TB screenings for 10.4 million people with HIV – 59 percent of all people with HIV screened for TB through PEPFAR.