Transforming Global HIV & TB Programs with Data

At a glance

  • As a data-driven organization, CDC uses data to improve programs in near real-time.
  • CDC works to make data easily accessible, as part of its commitment to transparency, accountability, and progress.

Using data for program improvement

Public health programs addressing HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are driven by data. It is essential for accurate data to be analyzed quickly to make real-time improvement to programs. These improvements include changes in policies and practices worldwide.

As a key implementing partner of PEPFAR, CDC invests in and makes use of multiple and complementary sources of data. This practice ensures that programs maintain their accountability, efficiency, and impact. CDC collects, analyzes, and shares data and insights with partners to improve global HIV and TB programs.

Learn how CDC helps countries measure the impact of HIV treatment and prevention programs through surveys like PHIA.

Data categories