CDC in Vietnam

At a glance

CDC has worked with the Government of Vietnam since 1998. CDC provides direct technical support and expertise to the Vietnam Ministry of Health to build high-quality, sustainable public health systems and scale up programs that address priority diseases, including HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and influenza. CDC works to strengthen laboratory and surveillance systems, epidemic preparedness and response, public health workforce capacity, and provide guidance on emergency management systems that strengthen global health security.

Red rectangle with yellow star in the middle


Woman dressed in PPE in an infection control unit.
An IPC staff member at the University Medical Center in Vietnam.

CDC has worked with the Government of Vietnam since 1998. CDC works closely with the Vietnam Ministry of Health (MOH) and partner organizations to address the following public health areas:

  • Laboratory systems strengthening, including antimicrobial resistance
  • Emergency response
  • Workforce development
  • Immunizations
  • HIV
  • TB
  • Influenza

Global health security

Strategic focus

CDC's global health security work in Vietnam focuses on reaching the goals outlined in the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and strengthening the country's public health systems across the following core areas:

Laboratory systems strengthening

CDC has helped Vietnam develop national strategic plans, a public health reference laboratory network, a biosafety and biosecurity system, whole genome sequencing capacity and improved the capacity of clinical laboratories to detect antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.

International Accreditation‎

Since 2012, CDC supported 26 medical laboratories to obtain international accreditation for HIV, TB, influenza, dengue, and other clinical testing.

Emergency response

Decades of investment in global health security, partnerships, HIV and TB control, and pandemic preparedness efforts have built strong foundations that Vietnam leveraged to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vietnam was at the forefront of global efforts to detect COVID-19 outbreaks. The country was a leader in the rapid deployment of vaccines—successfully achieving a 95 percent adult vaccination rate for primary doses. CDC's technical staff continue to partner with the MOH to ensure emergency preparedness for public health threats by:

  • Developing national guidelines for surveillance, quarantine, laboratory testing, and infection prevention and control (IPC).
  • Assisting in investigations to protect communities.
  • Providing data analysis to the government to make informed decisions.
  • Providing training on sample collection, biosafety, and testing.
  • Supporting vaccine equity, increased demand, and distribution.
  • Supporting risk assessments regarding border surveillance and testing requirements.

Workforce development

Worker walks outside an outside clinic dressed in blue PPE.
Through FETP, CDC strengthens Vietnam's workforce capacity to identify and stop outbreaks.

CDC supports training public health professionals through the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) in all 63 provinces in Vietnam. Through FETP, CDC strengthens Vietnam's workforce capacity to identify and stop outbreaks before they spread.

Key achievements

  • As of 2023, CDC helped develop a surveillance system for antimicrobial resistant pathogens that is used in 54 laboratories across the country.
  • CDC provided training on COVID-19 testing, biosafety, and sample collection at hospitals in all 63 provinces during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • More than 400 surveillance staff have graduated from the 3-month FETP-Frontline since 2019.
    • Since 2021, 34 trainees have graduated from the 9-month FETP-Intermediate.
    • A 12-month FETP-Advanced is planned to launch in 2024.
  • In 2017, CDC established a national public health reference laboratories network in three major cities, which supports state-of-the-art diagnostic capacities and the ability to characterize new diseases with whole genome sequencing.

HIV and TB

Strategic focus

As a key implementer of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), CDC supports Vietnam to reach HIV epidemic control through:

  • Providing technical support to the MOH, academic institutions, provincial HIV programs, community organizations, and the private sector.
  • Prioritizing continuity and quality of HIV services.
  • Advancing scientific innovations and equity for key populations.
  • Supporting Vietnam's National TB Program (NTP) to strengthen the capacity of laboratories and TB screening and detection for children and adolescents.
  • Providing technical assistance to strengthen efforts to find, cure, and prevent TB, HIV-associated TB, and multidrug-resistant TB.
  • Building capacity to operationalize new and existing TB control tools and using evidence to propel data-driven TB control and prevention activities.

CDC Vietnam continues to support the transition of HIV and TB services to domestic financing and program responsibility.

Key achievements

  • As of 2024, 96% of people living with HIV receive antiretroviral therapy through the Government of Vietnam's social health insurance.
  • CDC leads the national implementation of HIV recency testing to rapidly mobilize resources and technical assistance to signals of active HIV transmission as part of a provincially-led public health cluster response.
  • In treatment sites supported by CDC, 99% of patients with HIV viral load testing in the past year are virally suppressed.
  • With CDC support, over 37,000 clients have started PrEP in CDC-supported PEPFAR sites since in 2019.
  • In 2023, over 95% of people living with HIV in CDC-supported PEPFAR sites initiated and completed TB preventive therapy.
  • CDC supported local partners to conduct 146 community TB screening events across five provinces to improve TB detection where it's needed most.
  • CDC also helps scale up HIV diagnostics, routine viral load monitoring, and innovations such as recency testing and TB diagnostics.


Two animal health workers in a bird market take sample from a bird.
CDC Vietnam supports ongoing testing of live bird markets to detect and respond to outbreaks of avian influenza.

Strategic focus

CDC has partnered with Vietnam to provide support for influenza preparedness since 2005. CDC helped establish two National Influenza Centers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City that can rapidly detect novel or seasonal influenza viruses. CDC supports influenza surveillance, such as in severe acute respiratory infections, and supports improved testing quality through domestic and international training as well as a proficiency testing program. CDC also strengthens national capacity to detect avian influenza outbreaks through activities such as live bird market surveillance, and to respond to novel influenza viruses.

Annually, over 2,000 specimens from hospitalized patients in 3 of 4 regions in Vietnam are tested for influenza viruses. Selected human and poultry specimens with positive influenza A results are sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center in Atlanta for further characterization and potential inclusion as candidate vaccine strains.

CDC also facilitates collaboration between human and animal health sectors.

Key achievements

  • Between September 2019 and 2023, Vietnam vaccinated more than 400,000 healthcare workers in 35 provinces with IVACFLU-S, locally produced influenza vaccine produced by a local manufacturer licensed since 2019.
  • Due to Vietnam's and CDC's surveillance-strengthening efforts, the Department of Animal Health, detected its first in-country cases of H5N8 avian influenza in poultry and live bird markets in June 2021.
  • Supported revitalization of influenza surveillance in Vietnam. A hospital-based surveillance system for influenza was established in 2022 in 3 of 4 regions of Vietnam to facilitate sharing of human influenza specimens to a WHO Collaborating Center (WHO CC) and reporting of influenza surveillance data to an international platform. In December 2023, the first samples since 2018 were shared with a WHO CC. These samples and data are critical for informing selection of candidate viral strains for influenza vaccine.
  • More than 20 publications on influenza surveillance and research, including H5 virus circulation in live bird markets in Vietnam.
  • Annual sharing of approximately 2,000 influenza positive specimens from poultry to CDC Atlanta to support pandemic preparedness.


Strategic focus

CDC supports the Government of Vietnam to improve vaccine coverage and strengthen the national immunization program by ensuring equitable vaccine access through vaccination policy and guidance development, providing technical assistance for future new vaccine introductions, and targeting hard-to-reach populations and school children for delivery of routine immunizations.

Key achievements

  • CDC supported Vietnam in the revision of national vaccine policies, including ensuring that children with missed vaccines can receive them through the national immunization program.
  • CDC and the Government of Vietnam piloted routine immunization screening in schools in 12 provinces to identify children who have missed required vaccine doses.
  • CDC works in four provinces to increase hepatitis B birth dose vaccine coverage, identifying interventions tailored to each province.

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