Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Richard C. Dicker

At a glance

Chapter 8 of The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual


Field investigations are usually conducted to identify the factors that increased a person’s risk for a disease or other health outcome. In certain field investigations, identifying the cause is sufficient; if the cause can be eliminated, the problem is solved. In other investigations, the goal is to quantify the association between exposure (or any population characteristic) and the health outcome to guide interventions or advance knowledge. Both types of field investigations require suitable, but not necessarily sophisticated, analytic methods. This chapter describes the strategy for planning an analysis, methods for conducting the analysis, and guidelines for interpreting the results.

Planning the Analysis

A thoughtfully planned and carefully executed analysis is as crucial for a field investigation as it is for a protocol-based study. Planning is necessary to ensure that the appropriate hypotheses will be considered and that the relevant data will be collected, recorded, managed, analyzed, and interpreted to address those hypotheses. Therefore, the time to decide what data to collect and how to analyze those data is before you design your questionnaire, not after you have collected the data.

An analysis plan is a document that guides how you progress from raw data to the final report. It describes where you are starting (data sources and data sets), how you will look at and analyze the data, and where you need to finish (final report). It lays out the key components of the analysis in a logical sequence and provides a guide to follow during the actual analysis.

An analysis plan includes some or most of the content listed below. Some of the listed elements are more likely to appear in an analysis plan for a protocol-based planned study, but even an outbreak investigation should include the key components in a more abbreviated analysis plan, or at least in a series of table shells.

  • Research question or hypotheses. The analysis plan usually begins with the research questions or hypotheses you plan to address. Well-reasoned research questions or hypotheses lead directly to the variables that need to be analyzed and the methods of analysis. For example, the question, "What caused the outbreak of gastroenteritis?" might be a suitable objective for a field investigation, but it is not a specific research question. A more specific question—for example, "Which foods were more likely to have been consumed by case-patients than by controls?"—indicates that key variables will be food items and case–control status and that the analysis method will be a two-by-two table for each food.
  • Analytic strategies. Different types of studies (e.g., cohort, case–control, or cross-sectional) are analyzed with different measures and methods. Therefore, the analysis strategy must be consistent with how the data will be collected. For example, data from a simple retrospective cohort study should be analyzed by calculating and comparing attack rates among exposure groups. Data from a case–control study must be analyzed by comparing exposures among case-patients and controls, and the data must account for matching in the analysis if matching was used in the design. Data from a cross-sectional study or survey might need to incorporate weights or design effects in the analysis.The analysis plan should specify which variables are most important—exposures and outcomes of interest, other known risk factors, study design factors (e.g., matching variables), potential confounders, and potential effect modifiers.
  • Data dictionary. A data dictionary is a document that provides key information about each variable. Typically, a data dictionary lists each variable's name, a brief description, what type of variable it is (e.g., numeric, text, or date), allowable values, and an optional comment. Data dictionaries can be organized in different ways, but a tabular format with one row per variable, and columns for name, description, type, legal value, and comment is easy to organize (see example in Table 8.1 from an outbreak investigation of oropharyngeal tularemia1). A supplement to the data dictionary might include a copy of the questionnaire with the variable names written next to each question.
  • Get to know your data. Plan to get to know your data by reviewing (1) the frequency of responses and descriptive statistics for each variable; (2) the minimum, maximum, and average values for each variable; (3) whether any variables have the same response for every record; and (4) whether any variables have many or all missing values. These patterns will influence how you analyze these variables or drop them from the analysis altogether.
  • Table shells. The next step in developing the analysis plan is designing the table shells. A table shell, sometimes called a dummy table, is a table (e.g., frequency distribution or two-by-two table) that is titled and fully labeled but contains no data. The numbers will be filled in as the analysis progresses. Table shells provide a guide to the analysis, so their sequence should proceed in logical order from simple (e.g., descriptive epidemiology) to more complex (e.g., analytic epidemiology) (see Box 8.2). Each table shell should indicate which measures (e.g., attack rates, risk ratios [RR] or odds ratios [ORs], 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) and statistics (e.g., chi-square and p value) should accompany the table. See Handout 8.1 for an example of a table shell created for the field investigation of oropharyngeal tularemia1.

Components of an Analysis Plan

  • List of the research questions or hypotheses
  • Source(s) of data
  • Description of population or groups (inclusion or exclusion criteria)
  • Source of data or data sets, particularly for secondary data analysis or population denominators
  • Type of study
  • How data will be manipulated
  • Data sets to be used or merged
  • New variables to be created
  • Key variables (attach data dictionary of all variables)
  • Demographic and exposure variables
  • Outcome or endpoint variables
  • Stratification variables (e.g., potential confounders or effect modifiers)
  • How variables will be analyzed (e.g., as a continuous variable or grouped in categories)
  • How to deal with missing values
  • Order of analysis (e.g., frequency distributions, two-way tables, stratified analysis, dose-response, or group analysis)
  • Measures of occurrence, association, tests of significance, or confidence intervals to be used
  • Table shells to be used in analysis
  • Tables shells to be included in final report

Analyzing Data from a Field Investigation

The first two tables usually generated as part of the analysis of data from a field investigation are those that describe clinical features of the case-patients and present the descriptive epidemiology. Because descriptive epidemiology is addressed in Chapter 6, the remainder of this chapter addresses the analytic epidemiology tools used most commonly in field investigations.

Handout 8.2 depicts output from the Classic Analysis module of Epi Info 72 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA). It demonstrates the output from the TABLES command for data from a typical field investigation. Note the key elements of the output: (1) a cross-tabulated table summarizing the results, (2) point estimates of measures of association, (3) 95% CIs for each point estimate, and (4) statistical test results. Each of these elements is discussed in the following sections.

Table 8.1

Partial data dictionary from investigation of an outbreak of oropharyngeal tularemia (Sancaktepe Village, Bayburt Province, Turkey, July–August 2013)

Variable Name/Description

Variable Type/Legal Value


ID/Participant identification number



HH_size/Number of persons living in the household


DOB/Date of birth



Microagglutination test result

1 = positive
2 = negative

Age / Age (yrs)



M = male
F = female


1 = yes
2 = no


1 = yes
2 = no

Sore throat/Sore throat

1 = yes
2 = no

Node_swollen/Swollen lymph node

1 = yes
2 = no

Node_where/Site of swollen lymph node


Case_susp/Meets definition of suspected case

1 = yes
2 = no

Created variable: Swollen lymph node around neck or ears, sore throat, conjunctivitis, or ≥2 of fever, chills, myalgia, headache

Case_prob/Meets definition of probable case

1 = yes
2 = no

Created variable: Swollen lymph node and (sore throat or fever)

Case_confirm/Meets definition of confirmed case

1 = yes
2 = no

Created variable: Laboratory test-positive

Case_probconf/Meets definition of probable or confirmed case

1 = yes
2 = no

Created variable: Case_ prob = 1 or Case_ confirm = 1

R_Tap_H2O/Drank tap water during Ramadan

1 = yes
2 = no

Source: Adapted from Reference 1.

Suggested Sequence of Data Analyses

Handout 8.2: Time, by date of illness onset (could be included in Table 1, but for outbreaks, better to display as an epidemic curve).

Table 1. Clinical features (e.g., signs and symptoms, percentage of laboratory-confirmed cases, percentage of hospitalized patients, and percentage of patients who died).

Table 2. Demographic (e.g., age and sex) and other key characteristics of study participants by case–control status if case–control study.

Place (geographic area of residence or occurrence in Table 2 or in a spot or shaded map).

Table 3. Primary tables of exposure-outcome association.

Table 4. Stratification (Table 3 with separate effects and assessment of confounding and effect modification).

Table 5. Refinements (Table 3 with, for example, dose-response, latency, and use of more sensitive or more specific case definition).

Table 6. Specific group analyses.

Two-by-Two Tables

A two-by-two table is so named because it is a cross-tabulation of two variables—exposure and health outcome—that each have two categories, usually "yes" and "no" (Handout 8.3). The two-by-two table is the best way to summarize data that reflect the association between a particular exposure (e.g., consumption of a specific food) and the health outcome of interest (e.g., gastroenteritis). The association is usually quantified by calculating a measure of association (e.g., a risk ratio [RR] or OR) from the data in the two-by-two table (see the following section).

  • In a typical two-by-two table used in field epidemiology, disease status (e.g., ill or well, case or control) is represented along the top of the table, and exposure status (e.g., exposed or unexposed) along the side.
  • Depending on the exposure being studied, the rows can be labeled as shown in Table 8.3, or for example, as exposed and unexposed or ever and never. By convention, the exposed group is placed on the top row.
  • Depending on the disease or health outcome being studied, the columns can be labeled as shown in Handout 8.3, or for example, as ill and well, case and control, or dead and alive. By convention, the ill or case group is placed in the left column.
  • The intersection of a row and a column in which a count is recorded is known as a cell. The letters a, b, c, and d within the four cells refer to the number of persons with the disease status indicated in the column heading at the top and the exposure status indicated in the row label to the left. For example, cell c contains the number of ill but unexposed persons. The row totals are labeled H1 and H0 (or H2 [H for horizontal]) and the columns are labeled V1 and V0 (or V2 [V for vertical]). The total number of persons included in the two-by-two table is written in the lower right corner and is represented by the letter T or N.
  • If the data are from a cohort study, attack rates (i.e., the proportion of persons who become ill during the time period of interest) are sometimes provided to the right of the row totals. RRs or ORs, CIs, or p values are often provided to the right of or beneath the table.

The illustrative cross-tabulation of tap water consumption (exposure) and illness status (outcome) from the investigation of oropharyngeal tularemia1 is displayed in Table 8.2.

Handout 8.1

Table Shell: Association Between Drinking Water From Different Sources And Oropharyngeal Tularemia (Sancaktepe Village, Bayburt Province, Turkey, July– August 2013)

No. exposed persons


III / Well

Total / Attack rate (%)


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______

No. unexposed persons

III / Well

Total / Attack rate %

Risk ratio (95% CI)

Tap / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Well / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Spring / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Bottle / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Other / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
Adapted from Reference 1.

Handout 8.2

Typical Output From Classic Analysis Module, Epi Info Version 7, Using The Tables Command

Tables Vanilla III

Vanilla Ice Cream

III Yes / III No



43 / 11



79.63% / 20.37%



93.48% / 37.93%



3 / 18



14.29% / 85.71%



6.52% / 62.07%



46 / 29



61.33% / 38.67%



100.00% / 100.00%


Single Table Analysis

Point Estimate / 95% Confidence Lower

Interval Upper

PARAMETERS: Odds-based

Odds Ratio (cross product)

23.4545 / 5.8410

94.1811 (T)

Odds Ratio (MLE)

22.1490 / 5.9280

109.1473 (M)


138.3935 (F)

PARAMETERS: Risk-based

Risk Ratio (RR)

5.5741 / 1.9383

16.0296 (T)

Risk Differences (RD%)

65.3439 / 46.9212

83.7666 (T)

(T=Taylor series; MLE= Maximum Likelihood Estimate; M=Mid– P; F=Fisher Exact)

Statistical Tests


1-tailed p / 2-tailed p

Chi-square – uncorrected


/ 0.0000013505

Chi-square – Mantel-Haenszel


/ 0.0000013880

Chi-square – corrected (Yates)


/ 0.0000018982

Mid-p exact

0.0000001349 /

Fisher exact

0.0000002597 / 0.0000002597

Source: Reference 2

Handout 8.3

Table Shell: Association Between Drinking Water From Different Sources and Oropharyngeal Tularemia (Sancaktepe Village, Bayburt Province, Turkey, July– August 2013)

No. exposed persons


III / Well

Total / Attack rate (%)


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______


_______ / _______

_______ / _______

No. unexposed persons

III / Well

Total / Attack rate %

Risk ratio (95% CI)

Tap / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Well / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Spring / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Bottle / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Other / _______

_______ / _______

( – )

Source: Adapted from Reference 1

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

Table 8.2

Consumption of tap water and risk for acquiring oropharyngeal tularemia (Sancaktepe Village, Turkey, July–August 2013)

Drank tap water

Ill / Well

Total / Attack rate (%)


46 / 127

173 / 26.6


9 / 76

85 / 10.6


55 / 203

258 / 21.3

Risk ratio = 26.59 / 10.59 = 2.5; 95% confidence interval = (1.3–4.9); chi-square (uncorrected) = 8.7 (p = 0.003).

Source: Adapted from Reference 1

Measures of Association

A measure of association quantifies the strength or magnitude of the statistical association between an exposure and outcome. Measures of association are sometimes called measures of effect because if the exposure is causally related to the health outcome, the measure quantifies the effect of exposure on the probability that the health outcome will occur.

The measures of association most commonly used in field epidemiology are all ratios—RRs, ORs, prevalence ratios (PRs), and prevalence ORs (PORs). These ratios can be thought of as comparing the observed with the expected—that is, the observed amount of disease among persons exposed versus the expected (or baseline) amount of disease among persons unexposed. The measures clearly demonstrate whether the amount of disease among the exposed group is similar to, higher than, or lower than (and by how much) the amount of disease in the baseline group.

  • The value of each measure of association equals 1.0 when the amount of disease is the same among the exposed and unexposed groups.
  • The measure has a value greater than 1.0 when the amount of disease is greater among the exposed group than among the unexposed group, consistent with a harmful effect.
  • The measure has a value less than 1.0 when the amount of disease among the exposed group is less than it is among the unexposed group, as when the exposure protects against occurrence of disease (e.g., vaccination).

Different measures of association are used with different types of studies. The most commonly used measure in a typical outbreak investigation retrospective cohort study is the RR, which is simply the ratio of attack rates. For most case–control studies, because attack rates cannot be calculated, the measure of choice is the OR.

Cross-sectional studies or surveys typically measure prevalence (existing cases) rather than incidence (new cases) of a health condition. Prevalence measures of association analogous to the RR and OR—the PR and POR, respectively—are commonly used.

Risk Ratio (Relative Risk)

The RR, the preferred measure for cohort studies, is calculated as the attack rate (risk) among the exposed group divided by the attack rate (risk) among the unexposed group. Using the notations in Handout 8.3,

RR=risk exposed/risk unexposed = (a/H1) / (c/H0)

From Table 8.2, the attack rate (i.e., risk) for acquiring oropharyngeal tularemia among persons who had drunk tap water at the banquet was 26.6%. The attack rate (i.e., risk) for those who had not drunk tap water was 10.6%. Thus, the RR is calculated as 0.266/ 0.106 = 2.5. That is, persons who had drunk tap water were 2.5 times as likely to become ill as those who had not drunk tap water1.

Odds Ratio

The OR is the preferred measure of association for case–control data. Conceptually, it is calculated as the odds of exposure among case-patients divided by the odds of exposure among controls. However, in practice, it is calculated as the cross-product ratio. Using the notations in Handout 8.3,

OR = ad/bc

The illustrative data in Handout 8.4 are from a case–control study of acute renal failure in Panama in 20063. Because the data are from a case–control study, neither attack rates (risks) nor an RR can be calculated. The OR—calculated as 37 × 110/ (29 × 4) = 35.1—is exceptionally high, indicating a strong association between ingesting liquid cough syrup and acute renal failure.


Confounding is the distortion of an exposure–outcome association by the effect of a third factor (a confounder). A third factor might be a confounder if it is

  • Associated with the outcome independent of the exposure—that is, it must be an independent risk factor; and,
  • Associated with the exposure but is not a consequence of it.

Consider a hypothetical retrospective cohort study of mortality among manufacturing employees that determined that workers involved with the manufacturing process were substantially more likely to die during the follow-up period than office workers and salespersons in the same industry.

  • The increase in mortality reflexively might be attributed to one or more exposures during the manufacturing process.
  • If, however, the manufacturing workers' average age was 15 years older than the other workers, mortality reasonably could be expected to be higher among the older workers.
  • In that situation, age likely is a confounder that could account for at least some of the increased mortality. (Note that age satisfies the two criteria described previously: increasing age is associated with increased mortality, regardless of occupation; and, in that industry, age was associated with job—specifically, manufacturing employees were older than the office workers).

Unfortunately, confounding is common. The first step in dealing with confounding is to look for it. If confounding is identified, the second step is to control for or adjust for its distorting effect by using available statistical methods.

Looking for Confounding

The most common method for looking for confounding is to stratify the exposure–outcome association of interest by the third variable suspected to be a confounder.

  • To stratify (see previous section), create separate two-by-two tables for each category or stratum of the suspected confounder and consider the following when assessing suspected confounders:
    • Because one of the two criteria for a confounding variable is that it should be associated with the outcome, the list of potential confounders should include the known risk factors for the disease. The list also should include matching variables. Because age frequently is a confounder, it should be considered a potential confounder in any data set.
  • For each stratum, compute a stratum-specific measure of association. If the stratification variable is sex, only women will be in one stratum and only men in the other. The exposure–outcome association is calculated separately for women and for men. Sex can no longer be a confounder in these strata because women are compared with women and men are compared with men.

The OR is a useful measure of association because it provides an estimate of the association between exposure and disease from case–control data when an RR cannot be calculated. Additionally, when the outcome is relatively uncommon among the population (e.g., <5%), the OR from a case–control study approximates the RR that would have been derived from a cohort study, had one been performed. However, when the outcome is more common, the OR overestimates the RR.

Prevalence Ratio and Prevalence Odds Ratio

Cross-sectional studies or surveys usually measure the prevalence rather than incidence of a health status (e.g., vaccination status) or condition (e.g., hypertension) among a population. The prevalence measures of association analogous to the RR and OR are, respectively, the PR and POR.

The PR is calculated as the prevalence among the index group divided by the prevalence among the comparison group. Using the notations in Handout 8.3,

PR = prevalence index / prevalence comparison = (a/H1) / (c/H0)

The POR is calculated like an OR.

POR = ad/bc

In a study of HIV seroprevalence among current users of crack cocaine versus never users, 165 of 780 current users were HIV-positive (prevalence = 21.2%), compared with 40 of 464 never users (prevalence = 8.6%) (4). The PR and POR were close (2.5 and 2.8, respectively), but the PR is easier to explain.

Handout 8.4

Ingestion Of Prescription Liquid Cough Syrup In Response To Direct Questioning: Acute Renal Failure Case–Control Study (Panama, 2006)

Used liquid cough syrup?

Cases / Controls



37 / 29



4 / 110



41 / 139


Odds ratio = 35.1; 95% confidence interval = (11.6–106.4); chi-square (uncorrected) = 65.6 (p<0.001).

Source: Adapted from Reference 3

Measures of Public Health Impact

A measure of public health impact places the exposure–disease association in a public health perspective. The impact measure reflects the apparent contribution of the exposure to the health outcome among a population. For example, for an exposure associated with an increased risk for disease (e.g., smoking and lung cancer), the attributable risk percent represents the amount of lung cancer among smokers ascribed to smoking, which also can be regarded as the expected reduction in disease load if the exposure could be removed or had never existed.

For an exposure associated with a decreased risk for disease (e.g., vaccination), the prevented fraction represents the observed reduction in disease load attributable to the current level of exposure among the population. Note that the terms attributable and prevented convey more than mere statistical association. They imply a direct cause-and-effect relationship between exposure and disease. Therefore, these measures should be presented only after thoughtful inference of causality.

Attributable Risk Percent

The attributable risk percent (attributable fraction or proportion among the exposed, etiologic fraction) is the proportion of cases among the exposed group presumably attributable to the exposure. This measure assumes that the level of risk among the unexposed group (who are considered to have the baseline or background risk for disease) also applies to the exposed group, so that only the excess risk should be attributed to the exposure. The attributable risk percent can be calculated with either of the following algebraically equivalent formulas:

Attributable risk percent = (risk exposed / risk unexposed) / risk exposed = (RR–1) / RR

In a case– control study, if the OR is a reasonable approximation of the RR, an attributable risk percent can be calculated from the OR.

Attributable risk percent = (OR–1) / OR

In the outbreak setting, attributable risk percent can be used to quantify how much of the disease burden can be ascribed to particular exposure.

Prevented Fraction Among the Exposed Group (Vaccine Efficacy)

The prevented fraction among the exposed group can be calculated when the RR or OR is less than 1.0. This measure is the proportion of potential cases prevented by a beneficial exposure (e.g., bed nets that prevent nighttime mosquito bites and, consequently, malaria). It can also be regarded as the proportion of new cases that would have occurred in the absence of the beneficial exposure. Algebraically, the prevented fraction among the exposed population is identical to vaccine efficacy.

Prevented fraction among the exposed group = vaccine efficacy = (risk exposed / risk unexposed) /= risk unexposed = 1 RR

Handout 8.5 displays data from a varicella (chickenpox) outbreak at an elementary school in Nebraska in 20044. The risk for varicella was 13.6% among vaccinated children and 66.7% among unvaccinated children. The vaccine efficacy based on these data was calculated as (0.667 – 0.130)/ 0.667 = 0.805, or 80.5%. This vaccine efficacy of 80.5% indicates that vaccination prevented approximately 80% of the cases that would have otherwise occurred among vaccinated children had they not been vaccinated.

Handout 8.5

Vaccination Status and Occurrence of Varicella: Elementary School Outbreak (Nebraska, 2004)

Ill / Well

Total / Risk for varicella


15 / 100

115 / 13.0%


18 / 9

27 / 66.7%


33 / 109

142 / 23.2%

Risk ratio = 13.0/ 66.7 = 0.195; vaccine efficacy = (66.7 − 13.0)/ 66.7 = 80.5%.

Source: Adapted from Reference 4

Tests of Statistical Significance

Tests of statistical significance are used to determine how likely the observed results would have occurred by chance alone if exposure was unrelated to the health outcome. This section describes the key factors to consider when applying statistical tests to data from two-by-two tables.

  • Statistical testing begins with the assumption that, among the source population, exposure is unrelated to disease. This assumption is known as the null hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis, which will be adopted if the null hypothesis proves to be implausible, is that exposure is associated with disease.
  • Next, compute a measure of association (e.g., an RR or OR).
  • Then, choose and calculate the test of statistical significance (e.g., a chi-square). Epi Info and other computer programs perform these tests automatically. The test provides the probability of finding an association as strong as, or stronger than, the one observed if the null hypothesis were true. This probability is called the p value.
    • A small p value means that you would be unlikely to observe such an association if the null hypothesis were true. In other words, a small p value indicates that the null hypothesis is implausible, given available data.
    • If this p value is smaller than a predetermined cutoff, called alpha (usually 0.05 or 5%), you discard (reject) the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The association is then said to be statistically significant.
    • If the p value is larger than the cutoff (e.g., p value >0.06), do not reject the null hypothesis; the apparent association could be a chance finding.
  • In reaching a decision about the null hypothesis, you might make one of two types of error.
    • In a type I error (also called alpha error), the null hypothesis is rejected when in fact it is true.
    • In a type II error (also called beta error), the null hypothesis is not rejected when in fact it is false.

Testing and Interpreting Data in a Two-by-Two Table

For data in a two-by-two table Epi Info reports the results from two different tests—chi-square test and Fisher exact test—each with variations (Handout 8.2). These tests are not specific to any particular measure of association. The same test can be used regardless of whether you are interested in RR, OR, or attributable risk percent.

Which test to use?

  • If the expected value in any cell is less than 5. Fisher exact test is the commonly accepted standard when the expected value in any cell is less than 5. (Remember: The expected value for any cell can be determined by multiplying the row total by the column total and dividing by the table total.)
  • If all expected values in the two-by-two table are 5 or greater. Choose one of the chi-square tests. Fortunately, for most analyses, the three chi-square formulas provide p values sufficiently similar to make the same decision regarding the null hypothesis based on all three. However, when the different formulas point to different decisions (usually when all three p values are approximately 0.05), epidemiologic judgment is required. Some field epidemiologists prefer the Yates-corrected formula because they are least likely to make a type I error (but most likely to make a type II error). Others acknowledge that the Yates correction often overcompensates; therefore, they prefer the uncorrected formula. Epidemiologists who frequently perform stratified analyses are accustomed to using the Mantel-Haenszel formula; therefore, they tend to use this formula even for simple two-by-two tables.

Measures of association versus test of significance

  • Measure of association. The measures of association (e.g., RRs and ORs) reflect the strength of the association between an exposure and a disease. These measures are usually independent of the size of the study and can be regarded as the best guess of the true degree of association among the source population. However, the measure gives no indication of its reliability (i.e., how much faith to put in it).
  • Test of significance. In contrast, a test of significance provides an indication of how likely it is that the observed association is the result of chance. Although the chi-square test statistic is influenced both by the magnitude of the association and the study size, it does not distinguish the contribution of each one. Thus, the measure of association and the test of significance (or a CI; see Confidence Intervals for Measures of Association) provide complementary information.

Interpreting statistical test results.

Not significant does not necessarily mean no association. The measures of association (RRs or ORs) indicate the direction and strength of the association. The statistical test indicates how likely it is that the observed association might have occurred by chance alone. Nonsignificance might reflect no association among the source population, but it might also reflect a study size too small to detect a true association among the source population.

  • Role of statistical significance. Statistical significance does not by itself indicate a cause-and-effect association. An observed association might indeed represent a causal connection, but it might also result from chance, selection bias, information bias, confounding, or other sources of error in the study's design, execution, or analysis. Statistical testing relates only to the role of chance in explaining an observed association, and statistical significance indicates only that chance is an unlikely, although not impossible, explanation of the association. Epidemiologic judgment is required when considering these and other criteria for inferring causation (e.g., consistency of the findings with those from other studies, the temporal association between exposure and disease, or biologic plausibility).
  • Public health implications of statistical significance. Finally, statistical significance does not necessarily mean public health significance. With a large study, a weak association with little public health or clinical relevance might nonetheless be statistically significant. More commonly, if a study is small, an association of public health or clinical importance might fail to reach statistically significance.

Confidence Intervals for Measures of Association

Many medical and public health journals now require that associations be described by measures of association and CIs rather than p values or other statistical tests. A measure of association such as an RR or OR provides a single value (point estimate) that best quantifies the association between an exposure and health outcome. A CI provides an interval estimate or range of values that acknowledge the uncertainty of the single number point estimate, particularly one that is based on a sample of the population.

The 95% Confidence Interval

Statisticians define a 95% CI as the interval that, given repeated sampling of the source population, will include, or cover, the true association value 95% of the time. The epidemiologic concept of a 95% CI is that it includes range of values consistent with the data in the study5.

Relation Between the Chi-Square Test and Confidence Interval

The chi-square test and the CI are closely related. The chi-square test uses the observed data to determine the probability (p value) under the null hypothesis, and one rejects the null hypothesis if the probability is less than alpha (e.g., 0.05). The CI uses a preselected probability value, alpha (e.g., 0.05), to determine the limits of the interval (1 − alpha = 0.95), and one rejects the null hypothesis if the interval does not include the null association value. Both indicate the precision of the observed association; both are influenced by the magnitude of the association and the size of the study group. Although both measure precision, neither addresses validity (lack of bias).

Interpreting the Confidence Interval

Meaning of a confidence interval.

A CI can be regarded as the range of values consistent with the data in a study. Suppose a study conducted locally yields an RR of 4.0 for the association between intravenous drug use and disease X; the 95% CI ranges from 3.0 to 5.3. From that study, the best estimate of the association between intravenous drug use and disease X among the general population is 4.0, but the data are consistent with values anywhere from 3.0 to 5.3. A study of the same association conducted elsewhere that yielded an RR of 3.2 or 5.2 would be considered compatible, but a study that yielded an RR of 1.2 or 6.2 would not be considered compatible. Now consider a different study that yields an RR of 1.0, a CI from 0.9 to 1.1, and a p value = 0.9. Rather than interpreting these results as nonsignificant and uninformative, you can conclude that the exposure neither increases nor decreases the risk for disease. That message can be reassuring if the exposure had been of concern to a worried public. Thus, the values that are included in the CI and values that are excluded by the CI both provide important information.

Width of the confidence interval.

The width of a CI (i.e., the included values) reflects the precision with which a study can pinpoint an association. A wide CI reflects a large amount of variability or imprecision. A narrow CI reflects less variability and higher precision. Usually, the larger the number of subjects or observations in a study, the greater the precision and the narrower the CI.

Relation of the confidence interval to the null hypthesis.

Because a CI reflects the range of values consistent with the data in a study, the CI can be used as a substitute for statistical testing (i.e., to determine whether the data are consistent with the null hypothesis). Remember: the null hypothesis specifies that the RR or OR equals 1.0; therefore, a CI that includes 1.0 is compatible with the null hypothesis. This is equivalent to concluding that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. In contrast, a CI that does not include 1.0 indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected because it is inconsistent with the study results. Thus, the CI can be used as a surrogate test of statistical significance.

Confidence Intervals in the Foodborne Outbreak Setting

In the setting of a foodborne outbreak, the goal is to identify the food or other vehicle that caused illness. In this setting, a measure of the association (e.g., an RR or OR) is calculated to identify the food(s) or other consumable(s) with high values that might have caused the outbreak. The investigator does not usually care if the RR for a specific food item is 5.7 or 9.3, just that the RR is high and unlikely to be caused by chance and, therefore, that the item should be further evaluated. For that purpose, the point estimate (RR or OR) plus a p value is adequate and a CI is unnecessary.

Summary Exposure Tables

For field investigations intended to identify one or more vehicles or risk factors for disease, consider constructing a single table that can summarize the associations for multiple exposures of interest. For foodborne outbreak investigations, the table typically includes one row for each food item and columns for the name of the food; numbers of ill and well persons, by food consumption history; food-specific attack rates (if a cohort study was conducted); RR or OR; chi-square or p value; and, sometimes, a 95% CI. The food most likely to have caused illness will usually have both of the following characteristics:

  1. An elevated RR, OR, or chi-square (small p value), reflecting a substantial difference in attack rates among those who consumed that food and those who did not.
  2. The majority of the ill persons had consumed that food; therefore, the exposure can explain or account for most if not all of the cases.

In illustrative summary Table 8.3, tap water had the highest RR (and the only p value <0.05, based on the 95% CI excluding 1.0) and might account for 46 of 55 cases.

Table 8.3

Oropharyngeal tularemia attack rates and risk ratios by water source (Sancaktepe Village, Turkey, July–August 2013)

No. exposed persons


Ill / Well

Total / Attack rate (%)


46 / 127

173 / 27


2 / 6

8 / 25


25 / 111

136 / 18


5 / 26

31 / 16


2 / 6

8 / 25

No. unexposed persons

Ill / Well

Total / Attack rate (%)

Risk ratio (95% CI)

9 / 76

85 / 11

2.5 (1.3–4.9)

53 / 198

250 / 21

1.2 (0.4–4.0)

30 / 92

122 / 25

0.7 (0.5–1.2)

50 / 177

227 / 22

0.7 (0.3–1.7)

53 / 198

250 / 21

1.2 (0.4–4.0)

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
Source: Adapted from Reference 1

Stratified Analysis

Stratification is the examination of an exposure–disease association in two or more categories (strata) of a third variable (e.g., age). It is a useful tool for assessing whether confounding is present and, if it is, controlling for it. Stratification is also the best method for identifying effect modification. Both confounding and effect modification are addressed in following sections.

Stratification is also an effective method for examining the effects of two different exposures on a disease. For example, in a foodborne outbreak, two foods might seem to be associated with illness on the basis of elevated RRs or ORs. Possibly both foods were contaminated or included the same contaminated ingredient. Alternatively, the two foods might have been eaten together (e.g., peanut butter and jelly or doughnuts and milk), with only one being contaminated and the other guilty by association. Stratification is one way to tease apart the effects of the two foods.

  1. An elevated RR, OR, or chi-square (small p value), reflecting a substantial difference in attack rates among those who consumed that food and those who did not.
  2. The majority of the ill persons had consumed that food; therefore, the exposure can explain or account for most if not all of the cases.

In illustrative summary Table 8.3, tap water had the highest RR (and the only p value <0.05, based on the 95% CI excluding 1.0) and might account for 46 of 55 cases.

Stratified Analysis

Stratification is the examination of an exposure–disease association in two or more categories (strata) of a third variable (e.g., age). It is a useful tool for assessing whether confounding is present and, if it is, controlling for it. Stratification is also the best method for identifying effect modification. Both confounding and effect modification are addressed in following sections.

Stratification is also an effective method for examining the effects of two different exposures on a disease. For example, in a foodborne outbreak, two foods might seem to be associated with illness on the basis of elevated RRs or ORs. Possibly both foods were contaminated or included the same contaminated ingredient. Alternatively, the two foods might have been eaten together (e.g., peanut butter and jelly or doughnuts and milk), with only one being contaminated and the other guilty by association. Stratification is one way to tease apart the effects of the two foods.

Creating Strata of Two-by-Two Tables

First, consider the categories of the third variable.

  • To stratify by sex, create a two-by-two table for males and another table for females.
  • To stratify by age, decide on age groupings, making certain not to have overlapping ages; then create a separate two-by-two table for each age group.
  • For example, the data in Table 8.2 are stratified by sex in Handouts 8.6 and 8.7. The RR for drinking tap water and experiencing oropharyngeal tularemia is 2.3 among females and 3.6 among males, but stratification also allows you to see that women have a higher risk than men, regardless of tap water consumption.

The Two-by-Four Table

Stratified tables (e.g., Handouts 8.6 and 8.7) are useful when the stratification variable is not of primary interest (i.e., is not being examined as a cause of the outbreak). However, when each of the two exposures might be the cause, a two-by-four table is better for disentangling the effects of the two variables. Consider a case–control study of a hypothetical hepatitis A outbreak that yielded elevated ORs both for doughnuts (OR = 6.0) and milk (OR = 3.9). The data organized in a two-by-four table (Handout 8.8) disentangle the effects of the two foods—exposure to doughnuts alone is strongly associated with illness (OR = 6.0), but exposure to milk alone is not (OR = 1.0).

When two foods cause illness—for example when they are both contaminated or have a common ingredient—the two-by-four table is the best way to see their individual and joint effects.

Handout 8.6

Consumption of Tap Water and Risk for Acquiring Oropharyngeal Tularemia Among Women (Sancaktepe Village, Turkey, July–August 2013)

Drank tap water?

Ill / Well / Total

Attack rate (%) / Risk ratio


30 / 60 / 90

33.3 / 2.3


7 / 41 / 48

14.6 /


37 / 101 / 138

37.9 /

Source: Adapted from Reference 1

Handout 8.7

Consumption Of Tap Water And Risk For Acquiring Oropharyngeal Tularemia Among Men (Sancaktepe Village, Turkey, July–August 2013)

Drank tap water?

Ill / Well / Total

Attack rate (%) / Risk ratio


16 / 67 / 83

19.3 / 3.6


2 / 35 / 37

5.4 /


18 / 102 / 120

15.0 /

Source: Adapted from Reference 1

Handout 8.8

Two-By-Four Table Display of the Association Between Hepatitis A and Consumption of Doughnuts and Milk: Case–Control Study From Hypothetical Outbreak

Doughnuts / Milk

Cases / Controls

Odds ratio

Yes / Yes

36 / 18


No / Yes

1 / 3


Yes / No

4 / 2


No / No

9 / 27

1.0 (Ref.)


50 / 50

Crude odds ratio for doughnuts = 6.0; crude odds ratio for milk = 3.9.


Confounding is the distortion of an exposure–outcome association by the effect of a third factor (a confounder). A third factor might be a confounder if it is

  • Associated with the outcome independent of the exposure—that is, it must be an independent risk factor; and,
  • Associated with the exposure but is not a consequence of it.

Consider a hypothetical retrospective cohort study of mortality among manufacturing employees that determined that workers involved with the manufacturing process were substantially more likely to die during the follow-up period than office workers and salespersons in the same industry.

  • The increase in mortality reflexively might be attributed to one or more exposures during the manufacturing process.
  • If, however, the manufacturing workers' average age was 15 years older than the other workers, mortality reasonably could be expected to be higher among the older workers.
  • In that situation, age likely is a confounder that could account for at least some of the increased mortality. (Note that age satisfies the two criteria described previously: increasing age is associated with increased mortality, regardless of occupation; and, in that industry, age was associated with job—specifically, manufacturing employees were older than the office workers).

Unfortunately, confounding is common. The first step in dealing with confounding is to look for it. If confounding is identified, the second step is to control for or adjust for its distorting effect by using available statistical methods.

Looking for Confounding

Unfortunately, confounding is common. The first step in dealing with confounding is to look for it. If confounding is identified, the second step is to control for or adjust for its distorting effect by using available statistical methods.

  • To stratify (see previous section), create separate two-by-two tables for each category or stratum of the suspected confounder and consider the following when assessing suspected confounders:
    • Because one of the two criteria for a confounding variable is that it should be associated with the outcome, the list of potential confounders should include the known risk factors for the disease. The list also should include matching variables. Because age frequently is a confounder, it should be considered a potential confounder in any data set.
  • For each stratum, compute a stratum-specific measure of association. If the stratification variable is sex, only women will be in one stratum and only men in the other. The exposure–outcome association is calculated separately for women and for men. Sex can no longer be a confounder in these strata because women are compared with women and men are compared with men.
  • To look for confounding, first examine the smallest and largest values of the stratum-specific measures of association and compare them with the value of the combined table (called the crude value). Confounding is present if the crude value is outside the range between the smallest and largest stratum-specific values.
  • Often, confounding is not that obvious. The more precise method for assessing confounding is to calculate a summary adjusted measure of association as a weighted average of the stratum-specific values (see the following section, Controlling for Confounding). After calculating a summary value, compare the summary value to the crude value to see if the two are appreciably different. Unfortunately, no universal rule or statistical test exists for determining what constitutes "appreciably different." In practice, assume that the summary adjusted value is more accurate. The question then becomes, "Does the crude value adequately approximate the adjusted value, or would the crude value be misleading to a reader?" If the crude and adjusted values are close, use the crude value because it is not misleading and is easier to explain. If the two values are appreciably different (some epidemiologists use 10% difference, others use 20%), use the adjusted value below.

Methods for Determining Whether Confounding is Present

  1. If the crude risk ratio or odds ratio is outside the range of the stratum-specific ones.
  2. If the crude risk ratio or odds ratio differs from the Mantel-Haenszel adjusted one by >10% or >20%.

Controlling for Confounding

  • One method of controlling for confounding is by calculating a summary RR or OR based on a weighted average of the stratum-specific data. The Mantel-Haenszel technique5 is a popular method for performing this task.
  • A second method is by using a logistic regression model that includes the exposure of interest and one or more confounding variables. The model produces an estimate of the OR that controls for the effect of the confounding variable(s).

Effect Modification, Dose Response, and Matching

Effect Modification

Effect modification or effect measure modification means that the degree of association between an exposure and an outcome differs among different population groups. For example, measles vaccine is usually highly effective in preventing disease if administered to children aged 12 months or older but is less effective if administered before age 12 months. Similarly, tetracycline can cause tooth mottling among children, but not adults. In both examples, the association (or effect) of the exposure (measles vaccine or tetracycline) is a function of, or is modified by, a third variable (age in both examples).

Because effect modification means different effects among different groups, the first step in looking for effect modification is to stratify the exposure–outcome association of interest by the third variable suspected to be the effect modifier. Next, calculate the measure of association (e.g., RR or OR) for each stratum. Finally, assess whether the stratum-specific measures of association are substantially different by using one of two methods.

  1. Examine the stratum-specific measures of association. Are they different enough to be of public health or scientific importance?
  2. Determine whether the variation in magnitude of the association is statistically significant by using the Breslow-Day Test for homogeneity of odds ratios or by testing the interaction term in logistic regression.

If effect modification is present, present each stratum-specific result separately.


In epidemiology, dose-response means increased risk for the health outcome with increasing (or, for a protective exposure, decreasing) amount of exposure. Amount of exposure reflects quantity of exposure (e.g., milligrams of folic acid or number of scoops of ice cream consumed), or duration of exposure (e.g., number of months or years of exposure), or both.

The presence of a dose-response effect is one of the well-recognized criteria for inferring causation. Therefore, when an association between an exposure and a health outcome has been identified based on an elevated RR or OR, consider assessing for a dose-response effect.

As always, the first step is to organize the data. One convenient format is a 2-by-H table, where H represents the categories or doses of exposure. An RR for a cohort study or an OR for a case–control study can be calculated for each dose relative to the lowest dose or the unexposed group (Handout 8.9). CIs can be calculated for each dose. Reviewing the data and the measures of association in this format and displaying the measures graphically can provide a sense of whether a dose-response association is present. Additionally, statistical techniques can be used to assess such associations, even when confounders must be considered.


In epidemiology, dose-response means increased risk for the health outcome with increasing (or, for a protective exposure, decreasing) amount of exposure. Amount of exposure reflects quantity of exposure (e.g., milligrams of folic acid or number of scoops of ice cream consumed), or duration of exposure (e.g., number of months or years of exposure), or both.

The basic data layout for a matched-pair analysis is a two-by-two table that seems to resemble the simple unmatched two-by-two tables presented earlier in this chapter, but it is different (Handout 8.10). In the matched-pair two-by-two table, each cell represents the number of matched pairs that meet the row and column criteria. In the unmatched two-by-two table, each cell represents the number of persons who meet the criteria.

Handout 8.9

Data Layout and Notation for Dose-Response Table

Dose — Ill or case — Well or control

Total — Risk

Risk ratio — Odds ratio

Dose 3 — a3 — b3

H3— a3/ H3

Risk3/ Risk0 — a3d/ b3c

Dose 2 — a2 — b2

H2— a2/ H2

Risk2/ Risk0 — a2d/ b2c

Dose 1 — a1 — b1

H1— a1/ H1

Risk1/ Risk0 — a1d/ b1c

Dose 0

c — d

H0 — c/ H0


V1 — V0

In Handout 8.10, cell e contains the number of pairs in which the case-patient is exposed and the control is exposed; cell f contains the number of pairs with an exposed case-patient and an unexposed control, cell g contains the number of pairs with an unexposed case-patient and an exposed control, and cell h contains the number of pairs in which neither the case-patient nor the matched control is exposed. Cells e and h are called concordant pairs because the case-patient and control are in the same exposure category. Cells f and g are called discordant pairs.

Handout 8.10

Data Layout and Notation for Matched-Pair Two-by-Two Table


Controls Exposed / Controls Unexposed



e / f

e + f


g / h

g + h


e + g / f + h

e + f + g + h pairs

Odds ratio = f/  g.

In a matched-pair analysis, only the discordant pairs are used to calculate the OR. The OR is computed as the ratio of the discordant pairs.

OR = f/g

The test of significance for a matched-pair analysis is the McNemar chi-square test.

Handout 8.11 displays data from the classic pair-matched case–control study conducted in 19806 to assess the association between tampon use and toxic shock syndrome.

Handout 8.11

Continual Tampon Use During Index Menstrual Period: Centers For Disease Control Toxic Shock Syndrome (Matched-Pair) Case–Control Study, 1980


Controls Exposed / Controls Unexposed



33 / 9



1 / 1



34 / 10

44 pairs

Odds ratio = 9/ 1 = 9.0; uncorrected McNemar chi-square test = 6.40 (p = 0.01).

Source: Adapted from Reference 6

  • Larger matched sets and variable matching. In certain studies, two, three, four, or a variable number of controls are matched with case-patients. The best way to analyze these larger or variable matched sets is to consider each set (e.g., triplet or quadruplet) as a unique stratum and then analyze the data by using the Mantel-Haenszel methods or logistic regression to summarize the strata (see Controlling for Confounding).
  • Does a matched design require a matched analysis? Usually, yes. In a pair-matched study, if the pairs are unique (e.g., siblings or friends), pair-matched analysis is needed. If the pairs are based on a nonunique characteristic (e.g., sex or grade in school), all of the case-patients and all of the controls from the same stratum (sex or grade) can be grouped together, and a stratified analysis can be performed.

In practice, some epidemiologists perform the matched analysis but then perform an unmatched analysis on the same data. If the results are similar, they might opt to present the data in unmatched fashion. In most instances, the unmatched OR will be closer to 1.0 than the matched OR (bias toward the null). This bias, which is related to confounding, might be either trivial or substantial. The chi-square test result from unmatched data can be particularly misleading because it is usually larger than the McNemar test result from the matched data. The decision to use a matched analysis or unmatched analysis is analogous to the decision to present crude or adjusted results; epidemiologic judgment must be used to avoid presenting unmatched results that are misleading.

Logistic Regression

In recent years, logistic regression has become a standard tool in the field epidemiologist's toolkit because user-friendly software has become widely available and its ability to assess effects of multiple variables has become appreciated. Logistic regression is a statistical modeling method analogous to linear regression but for a binary outcome (e.g., ill/well or case/control). As with other types of regression, the outcome (the dependent variable) is modeled as a function of one or more independent variables. The independent variables include the exposure(s) of interest and, often, confounders and interaction terms.

  • The software package fits the data to the logistic model and provides output with beta coefficients for each independent term.
    • The exponentiation of a given beta coefficient (eβ) equals the OR for that variable while controlling for the effects of all of the other variables in the model.
    • If the model includes only the outcome variable and the primary exposure variable coded as (0,1), eβ should equal the OR you can calculate from the two-by-two table. For example, a logistic regression model of the oropharyngeal tularemia data with tap water as the only independent variable yields an OR of 3.06, exactly the same value to the second decimal as the crude OR. Similarly, a model that includes both tap water and sex as independent variables yields an OR for tap water of 3.24, almost identical to the Mantel-Haenszel OR for tap water controlling for sex of 3.26. (Note that logistic regression provides ORs rather than RRs, which is not ideal for field epidemiology cohort studies.)
  • Logistic regression also can be used to assess dose-response associations, effect modification, and more complex associations. A variant of logistic regression called conditional logistic regression is particularly appropriate for pair-matched data.

Sophisticated analytic techniques cannot atone for sloppy data! Analytic techniques such as those described in this chapter are only as good as the data to which they are applied. Analytic techniques—whether simple, stratified, or modeling—use the information at hand. They do not know or assess whether the correct comparison group was selected, the response rate was adequate, exposure and outcome were accurately defined, or the data coding and entry were free of errors. Analytic techniques are merely tools; the analyst is responsible for knowing the quality of the data and interpreting the results appropriately.

Interpreting Data from a Field Investigation

A computer can crunch numbers more quickly and accurately than the investigator can by hand, but the computer cannot interpret the results. For a two-by-two table, Epi Info provides both an RR and an OR, but the investigator must choose which is best based on the type of study performed. For that table, the RR and the OR might be elevated; the p value might be less than 0.05; and the 95% CI might not include 1.0. However, do those statistical results guarantee that the exposure is a true cause of disease? Not necessarily. Although the association might be causal, flaws in study design, execution, and analysis can result in apparent associations that are actually artifacts. Chance, selection bias, information bias, confounding, and investigator error should all be evaluated as possible explanations for an observed association. The first step in evaluating whether an apparent association is real and causal is to review the list of factors that can cause a spurious association, as listed in Epidemiologic Interpretation Checklist 1 (Box 8.4).

Epidemiologic Interpretation Checklists

Epidemiologic Interpretation Checklist 1

  • Chance
  • Selection bias
  • Information bias
  • Confounding
  • Investigator error
  • True association

Chance is one possible explanation for an observed association between exposure and outcome. Under the null hypothesis, you assume that your study population is a sample from a source population in which that exposure is not associated with disease; that is, the RR and OR equal 1. Could an elevated (or lowered) OR be attributable simply to variation caused by chance? The role of chance is assessed by using tests of significance (or, as noted earlier, by interpreting CIs). Chance is an unlikely explanation if

  • The p value is less than alpha (usually set at 0.05), or
  • The CI for the RR or OR excludes 1.0.

However, chance can never be ruled out entirely. Even if the p value is as small as 0.01, that study might be the one study in 100 in which the null hypothesis is true and chance is the explanation. Note that tests of significance evaluate only the role of chance—they do not address the presence of selection bias, information bias, confounding, or investigator error.

Selection bias is a systematic error in the designation of the study groups or in the enrollment of study participants that results in a mistaken estimate of an exposure's effect on the risk for disease. Selection bias can be thought of as a problem resulting from who gets into the study or how. Selection bias can arise from the faulty design of a case– control study through, for example, use of an overly broad case definition (so that some persons in the case group do not actually have the disease being studied) or inappropriate control group, or when asymptomatic cases are undetected among the controls. In the execution phase, selection bias can result if eligible persons with certain exposure and disease characteristics choose not to participate or cannot be located. For example, if ill persons with the exposure of interest know the hypothesis of the study and are more willing to participate than other ill persons, cell a in the two-by-two table will be artificially inflated compared with cell c, and the OR also will be inflated. Evaluating the possible role of selection bias requires examining how case-patients and controls were specified and were enrolled.

Information bias is a systematic error in the data collection from or about the study participants that results in a mistaken estimate of an exposure's effect on the risk for disease. Information bias might arise by including poor wording or understanding of a question on a questionnaire; poor recall; inconsistent interviewing technique; or if a person knowingly provides false information, either to hide the truth or, as is common among certain cultures, in an attempt to please the interviewer.

Confounding is the distortion of an exposure–disease association by the effect of a third factor, as discussed earlier in this chapter. To evaluate the role of confounding, ensure that potential confounders have been identified, evaluated, and controlled for as necessary.

Investigator error can occur at any step of a field investigation, including design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation. In the analysis, a misplaced semicolon in a computer program, an erroneous transcription of a value, use of the wrong formula, or misreading of results can all yield artifactual associations. Preventing this type of error requires rigorous checking of work and asking colleagues to carefully review the work and conclusions.

To reemphasize, before considering whether an association is causal, consider whether the association can be explained by chance, selection bias, information bias, confounding, or investigator error. Now suppose that an elevated RR or OR has a small p value and narrow CI that does not include 1.0; therefore, chance is an unlikely explanation. Specification of case-patients and controls was reasonable and participation was good; therefore, selection bias is an unlikely explanation. Information was collected by using a standard questionnaire by an experienced and well-trained interviewer. Confounding by other risk factors was assessed and determined not to be present or to have been controlled for. Data entry and calculations were verified. However, before concluding that the association is causal, the strength of the association, its biologic plausibility, consistency with results from other studies, temporal sequence, and dose-response association, if any, need to be considered.

Epidemiologic Interpretation Checklist 2

  • Strength of the association
  • Biologic plausibility
  • Consistency with other studies
  • Exposure precedes disease
  • Dose-response effect

Strength of the association means that a stronger association has more causal credibility than a weak one. If the true RR is 1.0, subtle selection bias, information bias, or confounding can result in an RR of 1.5, but the bias would have to be dramatic and hopefully obvious to the investigator to account for an RR of 9.0.

Biological plausibility means an association has causal credibility if is consistent with the known pathophysiology, known vehicles, natural history of the health outcome, animal models, and other relevant biological factors. For an implicated food vehicle in an infectious disease outbreak, has the food been implicated in previous outbreaks, or—even better—has the agent been identified in the food? Although some outbreaks are caused by new or previously unrecognized pathogens, vehicles, or risk factors, most are caused by those that have been recognized previously.

Consider consistency with other studies. Are the results consistent with those from previous studies? A finding is more plausible if it has been replicated by different investigators using different methods for different populations.

Exposure precedes disease seems obvious, but in a retrospective cohort study, documenting that exposure precedes disease can be difficult. Suppose, for example, that persons with a particular type of leukemia are more likely than controls to have antibodies to a particular virus. It might be tempting to conclude that the virus caused the leukemia, but caution is required because viral infection might have occurred after the onset of leukemic changes.

Evidence of a dose-response effect adds weight to the evidence for causation. A dose-response effect is not a necessary feature for an association to be causal; some causal association might exhibit a threshold effect, for example. Nevertheless, it is usually thought to add credibility to the association.

In many field investigations, a likely culprit might not meet all the criteria discussed in this chapter. Perhaps the response rate was less than ideal, the etiologic agent could not be isolated from the implicated food, or no dose-response was identified. Nevertheless, if the public's health is at risk, failure to meet every criterion should not be used as an excuse for inaction. As George Comstock stated, "The art of epidemiologic reasoning is to draw sensible conclusions from imperfect data"7. After all, field epidemiology is a tool for public health action to promote and protect the public's health on the basis of science (sound epidemiologic methods), causal reasoning, and a healthy dose of practical common sense.

All scientific work is incomplete—whether it be observational or experimental. All scientific work is liable to be upset or modified by advancing knowledge. That does not confer upon us a freedom to ignore the knowledge we already have, or to postpone the action it seems to demand at a given time.8

— Sir Austin Bradford Hill (1897–1991), English Epidemiologist and Statistician

  1. Aktas D, Celebi B, Isik ME, et al. Oropharyngeal tularemia outbreak associated with drinking contaminated tap water, Turkey, July–September 2013. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015;21:2194–6.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epi Info.
  3. Rentz ED, Lewis L, Mujica OJ, et al. Outbreak of acute renal failure in Panama in 2006: a case-–control study. Bull World Health Organ. 2008;86:749–56.
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Varicella outbreak among vaccinated children—Nebraska, 2004. MMWR. 2006;55;749–52.
  5. Rothman KJ. Epidemiology: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press; 2002: p. 113–29.
  6. Shands KN, Schmid GP, Dan BB, et al. Toxic-shock syndrome in menstruating women: association with tampon use and Staphylococcus aureus and clinical features in 52 women. N Engl J Med. 1980;303:1436–42.
  7. Comstock GW. Vaccine evaluation by case–control or prospective studies. Am J Epidemiol. 1990;131:205–7.
  8. Hill AB. The environment and disease: association or causation? Proc R Soc Med. 1965;58:295–300.
  • Edlin BR, Irwin KL, Faruque S, et al. Intersecting epidemics—crack cocaine use and HIV infection among inner-city young adults. N Eng J Med. 1994;331:1422–7.