At a glance
Below is a list of recent scientific articles generated from CDC programs and activities.

CDC scientific articles
Bleeding disorders in women and girls: State of the science and CDC collaborative programs. J Womens Health. 2022; 31(3):301-309. Byams VR, Miller CH, Bethea FM, Abe K, Bean CJ, Schieve LS.
Women and girls with haemophilia receiving care at specialized hemophilia treatment centers. Haemophilia. 2021; 27:1037–1044. Miller CH, Soucie JM, Byams VR, Payne AB, Sidonio Jr RF, Buckner TW, Bean CJ.
Differences in bleeding phenotype and provider interventions in post menarchal adolescents when compared to adult women with bleeding disorders and heavy menstrual bleeding. Haemophilia. 2018; 24(1):63–9. Srivaths LV, Zhang QC, Byams VR, Dietrich JE, James AH, Kouides PA, Kulkarni R; Hemophilia Treatment Centers Network Investigators.