At a glance
- EEP partners with the CDC Foundation to grant yearly stipend awards to EEP alumni (medical or veterinary students, residents, physicians, veterinarians) who are ready to take the next steps on their journey to becoming leaders in the fields of public health, global health, and/or One Health and are interested in applying to the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS).
- Selected applicants receive a stipend to cover travel and hotel expenses to attend the next EIS conference, and funds to support additional public health training.

Award Application Period
The award application period opens during November of each year. EEP alumni who completed the program in the past five years are eligible to apply. For 2025, EEP graduates who completed the program during 2020–2024 are eligible. Please see below for more information.
CDC-Hubert Global Health Award
Several awards are given annually to recognize EEP alumni who have demonstrated a commitment to global health through their completed EEP assignments. Learn more about this award on the CDC Foundation web page: CDC-Hubert Global Health Award.
2023 Recipients

(No awards were given in 2021 or 2022)
2020 Recipents

Pappaioanou Veterinary Public Health and Applied Epidemiology Award
Several awards are given annually to recognize EEP alumni who are veterinary students and have demonstrated a commitment to public health, global health, or One Health through their completed EEP assignments. Learn more about the award on the CDC Foundation web page: Pappaioanou Veterinary Public Health and Applied Epidemiology Award.
2023 Recipients

(No awards were given in 2021 or 2022)
2020 Recipients