Working for Environmental Justice: Data and Resources from CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

What to know

During this webinar, you will: 1) explore data on the EJ Dashboard about environmental exposures, community characteristics, and health burden—factors important to understanding and addressing environmental justice issues; 2) find out about other tools and resources of the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, to learn more about data related to EJ; and 3) learn ways that community members, public health practitioners, community planners, and more can use EJ data and resources on the Tracking Network.

Format: MP4
Language: English (US)

Webinar information

This presentation is part of the activities for Tracking Awareness Week. The entire week's theme (for 2022) was Decisions Through Data.


Jena Losch, M.P.H.

Public Health Advisor, CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Program

Shannon DeWitt, B.S., M.C.S.E.

Information Technology Specialist, CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Program