At a glance
Drowning prevention publications and resources are listed on this page. This includes CDC MMWR and other journal articles, CDC resources, and additional partner information and reports.

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U.S. National Water Safety Action Plan (USNWSAP)

Publications and resources
An all-inclusive Model Public Swimming Pool and Spa Code
The U.S. National Water Safety Action Plan (USNWSAP) is a 10-year roadmap for collective action to reduce drowning in the United States.
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ revised policy statement including new information and research on risks, disparities, prevention methods, the drowning chain of survival, and the importance of bystander CPR.
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2021 technical report on drowning provides additional information to support the policy statement.
A report providing current knowledge about drowning and drowning prevention, and calls for a substantial scaling up of comprehensive efforts and resources to prevent drowning.
A guide with practical steps to reduce drowning through 10 evidence-based interventions and strategies. It also highlights ways to strengthen drowning prevention interventions through public awareness and engagement.
A guide with practical recommendations for three community-level drowning prevention interventions.
A roundtable of longstanding national nonprofit and governmental organizations with a strong record of providing drowning prevention and water safety programs, including public education.
Five steps that can help to guide the prevention of drowning, as well as rescue and recovery when a drowning incident occurs.
A nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries, including drowning.
The drowning prevention page of the YMCA with safety tips. The YMCA is a nonprofit that focuses on strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
A website from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It contains helpful information for parents on many topics, including water safety advice. More detailed information about prevention of drowning can be found in AAP's 2019 Policy Statement.
A web page from the National Park Service with articles on safe boating.
Adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in April 2021, it calls for action to develop public awareness and national drowning reduction strategies with measurable targets, among other efforts. The resolution also names July 25 as annual UN Day for drowning prevention.