Key points
This interactive database provides national and state data about the health status and behaviors of Americans, such as breastfeeding status or fruit and vegetable consumption. It also includes data on environmental or policy supports. Use the Data Portal option to examine data by demographics, such as sex or race and ethnicity.

Compare data
Compare data across locations for all indicators. You can compare all the available indicators for up to five locations. Start by clicking add/remove locations. You can return to this button to add or remove locations while creating your report.
Create your own filtered dataset
Need to work with data directly? Create your own filtered dataset, customize visualizations, and download data.
Begin by selecting a dataset to view. Next, select either:
- View the data to see a table of the data.
- Visualize to create a visualization.
- Export to download a csv or csv for Excel file.
To help you with this tool, see a series of videos about the basics about filtering data, creating maps, and creating charts.
More information
Download this guide to learn more about exploring the data:
- Via a comparison report that shows all indicators for several locations side by side.
- With your own filtered dataset, customized visualizations, and downloaded data.