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The following resources provide more information about emergency preparedness and response. Use the filters below to search by audience and topic.

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If you are feeling suicidal, call or text 988 to connect with crisis counselors. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 in Spanish and for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Audience: Disability Organizations,Elected Officials and Governmental and Non-Governmental Community Leaders,First Responders,Healthcare Professionals and Clinicians,People with Disabilities,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers,Supporters of People with Disabilities

Topic: Mental Health

CDC’s Access and Functional Needs toolkit includes strategies to effectively communicate public health and emergency information to specific groups of people with access and functional needs, including people with disabilities.

Audience: Elected Officials and Governmental and Non-Governmental Community Leaders,First Responders,Healthcare Professionals and Clinicians,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

Emergency shelters must be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. In this checklist, the US Department of Justice details how to make an emergency shelter accessible for people with disabilities.

Audience: Disability Organizations,Elected Officials and Governmental and Non-Governmental Community Leaders,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) resource list has emergency planning information for service providers of people with disabilities and community-based organizations, including

ACL also has a list of centers for independent living by state.

Audience: Disability Organizations,Healthcare Professionals and Clinicians,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities’ (AUCD) emergency preparedness page has trainings and information for inclusive emergency management preparedness, response, and recovery.

Audience: Disability Organizations,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

This resource from the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) offers guidance, examples, and resources on promoting or producing general emergency preparedness information for people with disabilities.

Audience: Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

CDC’s resources on becoming an ally for people with disabilities include tips for building inclusive healthcare systems that remove barriers for people with disabilities. These resources include ways healthcare providers can improve the accessibility of their practice and real stories from people with lived experience with disabilities.

Audience: Healthcare Professionals and Clinicians

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

The National Association of County and City Health Officials’ (NACCHO) toolkit helps community-based organizations get involved in emergency planning for people with disabilities. Disability organizations and community leaders can use the toolkit to learn how to establish community partnerships, include people with disabilities in emergency planning, help people with disabilities understand their legal rights, and assist people with disabilities as they recover from emergencies.

Audience: Disability Organizations,Elected Officials and Governmental and Non-Governmental Community Leaders,Public Health Departments and Emergency Managers

Topic: Emergency Preparedness

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