About Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

Key points

  • Diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) provides personalized services to help you manage diabetes.
  • You'll learn practical skills to fit diabetes care into your life and find what works for you.
  • Get a referral from your doctor or find a program near you.
Smiling patient

What is DSMES?

Diabetes is complicated, and it takes practice to manage it in your everyday life. You may be wondering about eating balanced meals, exercising safely, checking blood sugar, or giving yourself injectable medicines. DSMES services help you with all these skills, whatever stage you're in or type of diabetes you have.

You'll work with a diabetes care and education specialist who will help you create a plan and teach you about the 7 key self-care behaviors:

  • Healthy eating.
  • Behing active.
  • Taking medicine as prescribed.
  • Monitoring your blood sugar levels, activity, and eating habits.
  • Reducing risks to lower the chances of diabetes complications.
  • Healthy coping with diabetes and emotional well-being.
  • Problem solving to find solutions and take action.

DSMES can help you improve your blood sugar levels to prevent or delay complications, avoid emergency care, and save you money on health care costs. DSMES can also help you lower your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Diabetes Kickstart

Watch this video series to learn more about the 7 self-care behaviors.