Staffing and Training for The National Diabetes Prevention Program

Key points

Find resources and training to help your staff successfully deliver the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program.

Staffing for the lifestyle change program

You will need a staff member to fill the following roles in your lifestyle change program:

  • Lifestyle Coach to lead the lifestyle change program sessions and support and encourage participants.
  • Program coordinator to oversee daily operations of the lifestyle change program, support Lifestyle Coaches, and ensure that the program meets quality performance outcomes.
  • Data preparer to collect and submit data to CDC. Learn about the requirements for data reporting.

In large programs, each of these roles is typically filled by a different person. Some large programs even have multiple coaches and coordinators. In smaller programs, one person may fill all three roles.

Consider identifying individuals already in or affiliated with your organization who could fill these positions.

The CDC Recognition Program Standards and Operating Procedures offer position descriptions for Lifestyle Coaches and program coordinators. This document outlines desired skills and qualifications. You can use these position descriptions to recruit program staff, if needed.

Training for Lifestyle Coaches

The lifestyle change program must have Lifestyle Coaches who are trained to use a CDC-approved curriculum. They also need to have the knowledge and skills to effectively deliver the program. The Lifestyle Coach's ability to support participants, provide guidance, and help groups work together effectively is essential for a successful program.

If your organization needs training for your Lifestyle Coaches, there are currently 11 different training entities that can help. They have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with CDC to provide training. Some of these training entities can also provide training for Master Trainers.

To learn more about these training entities and the types of trainings they offer, visit the Customer Service Center (CSC).