What to know
These videos and podcasts support and expand on the Eagle Books for early readers and explain how the Eagle Books were created. This collection also highlights type 2 diabetes prevention and education efforts designed to reach Native American people.

Eagle Book videos
Through the Eyes of the Eagle
Rain That Dances meets an unhappy eagle. Mr. Eagle is sad because people in the community have type 2 diabetes. Mr. Eagle reminds the boy of his ancestor’s healthy ways.
Knees Lifted High
Rain That Dances introduces his best friend, Thunder Cloud, to Mr. Eagle. Mr. Eagle encourages the boys to be physically active every day and shows them how much fun it can be.
A Plate Full of Color
Miss Rabbit meets the boys’ friends, Little Hummingbird and Simon. Miss Rabbit teaches the children the value of eating a variety of colorful healthy foods.
Tricky Treats
Coyote tries to trick the children into eating unhealthy foods. The children learn the importance of avoiding tricky treats when choosing foods to eat.
Flying With the Eagle
This video shows how the Eagle Books were used as the basis of outreach events in Keweenaw Bay, Michigan, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. The video also suggests ways the materials can be used in other communities.
Story of the Eagle Books
This video tells the story of how the Eagle Books for children came to be.
Our cultures are our source of health
This video highlights the wisdom of cultural knowledge—including harvesting local foods and playing traditional games—in promoting health and preventing diseases like type 2 diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The In-Between People (21 min.)
This podcast celebrates the dedication and service of community health representatives in Indian Country.
Through the Eyes of the Eagle (English; 7 min.)
Rain That Dances meets an unhappy eagle. Mr. Eagle is sad because people in the community have type 2 diabetes. Mr. Eagle reminds him of his ancestor's healthy ways.