Core CoCASA Assessment Reports

Key points

  • Learn how Clinic Assessment Reports are used to help report immunization coverage and practices anywhere immunizations are provided.
  • Learn about the available core CoCASA Assessment Reports.

Core CoCASA Assessment Reports

Report Brief Description
Adolescent Coverage
(to be used if assessing adolescent coverage)
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze the total number and percentage of patients complete and UTD based on the report criteria for overall selected series/antigens along with number and percentage complete and UTD breakdown by antigens.
  • Section II analyzes those patients who are not complete, how many could be UTD with one additional visit, and the doses needed to be complete and UTD in a single visit.
HPV Report Description (to be used if assessing adolescent coverage)
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze HPV vaccination coverage.  This report assesses the coverage status as complete and up to date for HPV in number and percent of patients in an assessment. The report categorizes the patients’ status using the following different measures:
  • Immunization Status:  Provides the list of patients and the number of HPV doses they received by the assessment date.
  • Series Completion:  Provides the list of patients who have completed the HPV series doses.
  • Missed Opportunities: Provides the list of patients who have missed opportunities to get HPV vaccinations based on their eligibility criteria.
Diagnostic Childhood Report
(to be used if assessing childhood coverage)
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze the total number and percentage of patients complete and UTD based on the report criteria for overall series/antigens along with number and percentage complete and UTD breakdown by doses selected.
  • Section II evaluates the percentage difference between patients who started on time and completed vs. those who started late and completed by assessment date.
  • Section III evaluates the drop-off information for DTaP and HepB for patients:
    • 24 months and older who received DTaP 1 and HepB 1 by 6 months of age
    • 24 months and older who received DTaP 1 and HepB 1 by 6 months of age and received DTaP 4 and HepB 3 by 24 months of age
    • Patients who didn’t return for immunization for DTaP 4 and HepB 3 by 24 months of age.
  • Section IV analyzes those patients who missed opportunity to be immunized based on their last immunization visit to be UTD by assessment date.
  • Section V assesses the accelerated immunization schedule for late immunization starter patients who are not UTD with selected antigens by 12 months of age and patients who received their first immunization after 12 months of age.
Invalid Dose
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze and list all patients with date of birth, invalid dose, invalid dose date, and a reason why the dose is invalid based on user-selected report criteria.
Missed Opportunities
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze and list all patients with date of birth, name of vaccine missed, number of dose missed, and vaccination date based on user-selected report criteria.
Need One Dose
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze and list patients with date of birth and name of dose/antigen needed based on user-selected report criteria.
Not Up-to-date
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze and list all patients with date of birth who are not up-to-date based on user-selected report criteria.
Single Antigen Childhood
(to be used if assessing childhood coverage)
  • The purpose of this report is to evaluate the count and percentage of patients who are immunized by age intervals between 3 and 24 months and the dose based on user-selected report criteria. This report does not take being UTD into consideration.
Summary Report
  • The purpose of this report is to analyze and report the number and percentage of patients complete and UTD by the assessment date. The number and percentage of patients NOT complete are shown by immunization status. The report also shows how many doses are needed for the patient to be complete and UTD with one additional visit.