CoCASA Version History

Key points

The Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application (CoCASA) is a tool to help assess immunization coverage and practices anywhere immunizations are provided. Learn about updates and changes that have been made in recent versions.

Version 17.0 changes

Design changes

  1. Bulk Deletes of Assessments, Providers, and Patients
    1. To start a bulk delete, right-click on the tree, choose "Select Assessments or Providers to DELETE" or "Select Patients to Delete".
    2. Check the boxes next to the objects you want to delete. If you select a provider, the corresponding assessments will also be selected.
    3. Click the Delete button to delete the marked objects, or click Cancel to quit the delete process.
  2. Merge Assessments Together
    1. To begin an assessment merge, right-click on a provider or assessment in the tree and choose "Select Assessments to MERGE".
    2. Check the box next to the first assessment. Since you can only merge assessments performed on the same day for the same provider that all have the same antigens, all of the assessments that are eligible to be merged with the first selected assessment will be highlighted in yellow. Check the box next to any of those yellow-highlighted assessments that you wish to merge together.
    3. Click the Merge button to perform the merge to a new assessment which will include all of the patients and their dose histories from all of the selected assessments. Click Cancel to abort the merge process.
    4. Rename the new merged assessment if desired.
  3. Copy an Assessment
    1. To make a direct copy of an assessment, including all of the patients and their dose histories, right-click the assessment in the tree.
    2. Choose "Copy This Assessment".
    3. Click OK to verify and continue.
    4. A new assessment with the word "Copy" appended to the name will be created.
    5. If you want to move the copied assessment to another provider, just drag-and-drop it from one provider to the other.
  4. Text File Import Changes
    1. Pre-built templates that come included with can't be modified by the user, but they can be copied or deleted if necessary. Copies can be modified by the user.
    2. The title "Blank Field" has been changed to "Ignored Field" and the ignored fields will now be shown in the file preview.
    3. 8-digit numbers in ID#1 or Chartnum or the first or middle names were being interpreted as dates by CoCASA and they would be marked in red as if they were in error. The date check is no longer performed for those fields.
    4. 2-digit years in date fields will now be allowed as long as CoCASA can determine that it is a valid date.
    5. Added a new pre-built template for California – CAIR.
  5. A few simple cosmetic changes were made

Bug fixes

  1. An assortment of relatively minor bugs was fixed.

Version 16.2 changes

Bug fixes

  1. In certain circumstances users would receive a duplicate record error message when trying to save patient data changes.

Version 16.1 changes

Bug fixes

  1. When attempting to export CoCASA data, users who were using a brand-new database received a "missing table" error message.
  2. Users were unable to view the pre-built import template layouts.
  3. Blank or ignored columns did not show up on the import file preview.

Version 16.0 changes

Design changes

  1. A progress status bar was added to the Reports screen that will indicate report progress.
  2. When the "Add New Assessment" button is pressed on the Assessments screen, the parameters for the currently selected assessment are copied to the new assessment.
  3. When Influenza is selected for certain reports, the user will have the option to report on the current flu season at the time of the assessment or the previous flu season.
  4. The "Import IIS Data Using Template" screen and the "Export To Text File" screens were redesigned to hopefully make the process more streamlined, easier to understand, and less prone to errors. The pre-built templates that come with new installations of CoCASA can be deleted, but not modified. However they can be copied and then the copy can be modified. If a pre-built template is mistakenly deleted, it can be retrieved with the "Add From File" button. The Edit a Template function was moved to a separate screen to avoid accidental modifications. Where possible, certain errors are highlighted in the Preview screen shown before the import begins in order to show possible template field mismatches. The error log is displayed dynamically as the import is running so that the import can be aborted if too many errors are occurring. The log can also be viewed and/or printed after the import completes.
  5. Brand Name was added to the Individual Immunization History report.

Bug fixes

  1. The NDC codes were incorrect on the code mapping report.
  2. Null string errors and DBNull errors during import from a text file were corrected.
  3. Resetting the display scale and layout to greater than 100% would cause certain fields on the Assessments screen to be inaccessible. The fields were rearranged and a scroll bar was added.

Version 15.2 changes

Bug fixes

  1. Under certain circumstances, errors were occurring regarding a missing file when a new database was created.
  2. The following shot types have been added to the list of recognized shot types that can be imported from an IIS: "Hib-Hep B", "RV (tetravalent)", "Rotavirus, NOS", "meningococcal C conjugate", "HPV, NOS", "RV1", "RV5", "pneumococcal, unspecified".
  3. The Manufacturer field was causing errors when an unknown manufacturer was imported, so Manufacturer and Lot Number will now be ignored by CoCASA if they are imported.
  4. The Influenza report was seeming to hang when run against a large cohort of patients and could not be interrupted. It can now be interrupted and the performance has been improved.

Version 15.1 changes

Bug fixes

  1. Invalid entries in the Race, Sex, and Ethnicity fields found during the import of a file from an IIS would issue a pop-up error for each record found. Now a warning message is written to the error log but the record is still imported, but with a blank in the invalid field.
  2. NDC codes were being incorrectly portrayed on the Import Mapping Index report.

Version 15.0 changes

Design changes

  1. The Meningococcal B (MenB) antigen is now supported.
  2. The text file import process was revamped and improved. A new dashboard screen now displays the status of the import as it is processing. The error log report was improved as well.
  3. All current CVX and CPT codes are now recognized, however only the ones supported by CoCASA will be imported.
  4. NDC codes can now be imported.
  5. A new update process was put in place so that new import codes can be added in the future, should it become necessary, without requiring a new release of CoCASA.
  6. A new import mapping report is now available to show the valid importable codes and abbreviations and how they will be mapped into CoCASA.
  7. If doses of DTP, DT, or DTwP are imported, they will now be displayed separately from DTaP.
  8. A new display-only tab called "View Doses" was added to the patient screen. It will indicate series completeness and will also contain links to the online algorithm reference page. Invalid doses are indicated on this screen, and the actual patient age at the time of the dose and the interval between doses will be displayed when the cursor is hovered over each dose date.
  9. The patient age at time of dose and the dose interval were added to the Individual Immunization History report and the Invalid Doses report.
  10. Missed opportunities were added to the Influenza report, but only ones occurring within the reporting season.
  11. The report list was reordered, with the most used reports at the top.

Bug fixes

  1. After deleting an assessment, the tree should be positioned to the next assessment if there is one.
  2. Fixed a bug on the Coverage Levels tab where the values for HepA were incorrect when Influenza was also selected for the assessment.
  3. The discard message on the dose entry screen should behave as expected when leaving the page.
  4. Corrected a bug where the MOGE field showed up when the previously selected patient had it checked.
  5. In cases where data records from a legacy system prior to version 14.0 were marked for deletion, those records were not being included in the reports and in data exports. This has been corrected.
  6. Changed the Flu report so that it uses the compliance date to determine the seasons, instead of the assessment date.

Version 14.4 changes

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a known issue where HepA values on the Coverage Level tab and reports were incorrect when Influenza was also included.
  2. The HPV algorithms were not taking the 4-day grace period into account when determining which HPV schedule to use for coverage level calculations.
  3. An error message was displayed when importing a CoCASA Data file.
  4. A Discard Changes? dialog message was inadvertently displayed when leaving the patient dose table.

Version 14.3 changes

Design changes

  1. An assessment can now be drag/dropped from one provider on the Provider tree to another, essentially moving the assessment to another provider.
  2. The dose entry process was revamped to expedite manual data entry.
    1. The antigens can now be re-ordered on the Assessment panel by selecting them in the desired order. The antigens on the Dose Entry panel will then be displayed in the same order.
    2. The date boxes were changed to allow for blank dates, better error checking, and faster entry of dates.
    3. Age compliance and interval compliance can now be displayed on the screen, if requested, for each dose.
    4. A Function Key process was added to enhance the ability to copy dates or groups of dates from one antigen to another, making it faster and easier to add dates for different vaccinations given on the same day(s).
    5. The Tab key will now progress to the next dose, and the Return key will position to the next line.
    6. Dates will be re-sorted on an antigen row at the time when the cursor leaves a date box.
  3. The series 4:3:1:U:U:1:U was added to the series choices when running reports.
  4. A tab was added to allow entry for Reasons Not Given items.
  5. Imported date and time were added to the Assessment panel for assessments that were added by importing them from an outside source.
  6. An Influenza report was added

Version 14.2 changes

Design changes

  1. Added a Coverage Level (formerly called Assessment Results) tab to the Assessment screen to allow calculations to report coverage levels for Childhood and Adolescent immunizations.
  2. Added an option to output the coverage levels to the screen or to a printable report.
  3. Added the Provider Type field to the provider page.
  4. Added CVX codes 186 and 171 (influenza) to the shot types that CoCASA will recognize when importing from an IIS using a template.
  5. Added the Import Mapping Index to the Import menu as a reference to show all of the acceptable shot types that can be imported and what antigens they will be mapped to.
  6. The tabs are slightly taller to improve readability.
  7. Color schemes have been changed to improve readability.
  8. The database location is now displayed in the title bar.
  9. The format of the menu bar has been changed to improve readability.
  10. The Providers, Assessments and Patients trees can now be manually refreshed by right-clicking them and choosing Refresh on the associated menu.
  11. Identifier 1, Identifier 2, and Chart Number have been added to the Patient screen.

Bug fixes

  1. The Providers tree will now refresh itself after a new assessment is imported via a template or importing CoCASA Data.

Version 14.1 changes



Bug fixes

  1. The date fields on the Report Criteria screens were not being passed to the reports properly.
  2. Various errors were caused by problems in the setup program when upgrading from version 13.0 to version 14.0.
  3. The Export button on the reports screen was enabled in error for some reports.

Version 14.0 changes

Design changes

  1. Created new, more streamlined user interface.
  2. Removed the following features:
  • Logons and Passwords
  • Age Cohort for Analysis
  • Assessment Factors
  • Custom Questions
  • Manufacturer/Lot Number
  • Geographic Location
  • Non-algorithm Antigens
  • My Results Screen
  • Copy Provider/Assessment
  • Notes
  • Saved Reports

Bug fixes

  1. The Missing Immunizations Report was incorrectly calculating "Past Due" for HPV.

Version 13.0 changes

  1. Remove algorithms for herpes zoster, PPV, and Td.
  2. Disable the Apply ACIP Recommendations check box on all report criteria screens so that all reports now use the ACIP recommendations.
  3. Change interval of dose 4 for DTaP from 6 months to 4 months for testing up-to-date, but leave it at 6 months for everything else, like overdue and missed opportunities.
  4. Remove dose 4 testing from HepB.
  5. Add a maximum of 5 years to the dose validity requirements for Hib. If given greater than that the dose is invalid.
  6. If the first two valid doses of Hib were administered in PedvaxHib, then the third dose can be skipped but the final dose still has to be given after 12 months of age.
  7. Change the HPV algorithm such that the first and second valid dose dates are examined to determine whether the patient is on the three dose schedule or the 2 dose schedule.
  8. Change the season for Influenza to be from July 1 through June 30. (This was already done, but the online documentation did not reflect that.)
  9. Change the Influenza algorithm such that if dose 1 of the season was either the 1st or 2nd dose of life then another dose is needed in that season.
  10. For MMR, take out the allowance for patient born before 1957 as UTD.
  11. For MMR, take out the allowance for patient being a health care worker as needing 2 doses to be UTD.
  12. Corrected minimum age for dose 2 in Meningococcal algorithm (changed from '16 years + 8 weeks' to '16 years').
  13. For PCV13, add a maximum of 5 years of age to the dose validity.
  14. Remove the 59 month compliance age for PCV13 as being UTD.
  15. Add a rule for IPV such that if Dose 3 was given over 6 months from Dose 2 then only 3 doses are required.
  16. Add maximum ages to Rotavirus doses for validity.
  17. Remove the rule from Rotavirus where a patient over 32 weeks is UTD.
  18. Add brand name checking to Rotavirus to determine 2 dose schedule or 3 dose schedule.
  19. Change Varicella Dose 2 interval from 90 days to 4 weeks from Dose 1.
  20. The recommended interval for some antigens were modified to correctly mirror the ACIP recommendations. This change will only affect the Missing Immunizations Report.

Version 12.2 changes


  1. Modified the meningococcal algorithm to adhere to the current ACIP recommendations.

Bug fixes

  1. The HPV report was incorrectly reporting Patients UTD by.
  2. The "UTD" label was not showing on the Adolescent Report and the Diagnostic Childhood Report.

Version 12.1 changes


  1. Added 2HepA to the Adolescent section of the Assessment Results tab.
  2. Modified the labels on the Assessment Results tab to match those in the AFIX Online Tool.
  3. Removed the Questionnaire, Feedback, Initial Follow-up and the Subsequent Follow-up tabs.
  4. Removed all of the AFIX Evaluation reports, including the AFIX Annual Report.
  5. Removed the Comparison reports.
  6. Removed the Incomplete Assessments report.
  7. Modified the HPV report to only include 1 dose of HPV and UTD HPV. Removed the HEDIS Measure section and the Series Completion section. Changed some labels to be more specific and accurate to fit the new HPV algorithm that was changed in version 12.0.

Bug fixes


Version 12.0 changes


  1. Updated the HPV algorithm such that if the first dose is given at less than 15 years of age only two doses are required, otherwise three doses are required.
  2. All links to CDC web sites where changed from http:// to https:// protocols.
  3. The import complete message was enhanced to be clearer.
  4. The import error logs are now saved and can be accessed via a menu item under Utilities.
  5. The user's import template is no longer automatically overwritten when an import is performed. The user now has to option to save or not save the template.
  6. All references to old VFC reports have been removed.

Bug fixes


Version 11 changes


  1. Added the CVX codes for the 9-valent HPV vaccines. CoCASA will now recognize the 9-valent vaccines for assessment purposes.
  2. Estimated number of patients in the designated assessment cohort. Updated the title in the tab header from "Estimated number of patients in the designated assessment cohort" to "Patient Count". This header displays the number of patients entered into CoCASA for assessment.
  3. Included the word "Database" in association with CoCASA & DB versions on the application's main screen. The use of "DB" was confusing to users; therefore the word "Database" has been added to the version titles.

Bug fixes
